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  1. Achim Gaedke <achim.gaedke@gmail.com> for bug report.
  2. Alexandre Oliva <oliva@lsd.ic.unicamp.br> for bug report.
  3. Andre Girard <andre@inrs-emt.uquebec.ca> for bug report.
  4. Andrew Hamilton-Wright <andrewhw@ieee.org> for bug report.
  5. Andrew Hood <ajhood@fl.net.au> for bug report.
  6. Anne-Laurence Putz <anne-laurence.putz@eurodecision.com> for bug
  7. report.
  8. Axel Simon <Axel.Simon@ens.fr> for bug report.
  9. Bernhard Schmidt <schmidt@math.uni-augsburg.de> for bug report.
  10. Boris Wirtz <Boris.Wirtz@uni-oldenburg.de> for bug report.
  11. Brady Hunsaker <hunsaker@engr.pitt.edu> for contribution of a routine
  12. for bounds sensitivity analysis.
  13. Brady Hunsaker <hunsaker@engr.pitt.edu> for some suggestions concerning
  14. MIP routines.
  15. Cameron Kellough <Cameron.Kellough@sri.com> for bug report.
  16. Carlo Baldassi <carlobaldassi@gmail.com> for bug report.
  17. Cedric[FR] <fox2113@wanadoo.fr> for bug report.
  18. Charles Brixko <charles.brixko@voo.be> for bug report.
  19. Chris Rosebrugh <cpr@pobox.com> for contribution of a new version of
  20. GLPK JNI (Java Native Interface).
  21. Christophe Caron <caron@diamant.jouy.inra.fr> for bug report.
  22. David T. Price <dtprice@speakeasy.net> for bug report.
  23. Dennis Schridde <devurandom@gmx.net> for bug report.
  24. Enric Rodriguez <erodri@lsi.upc.edu> for bug report.
  25. Flavio Keidi Miyazawa <fkm@ic.unicamp.br> for bug report.
  26. Gabriel Hackebeil <gabehack@gmail.com> for bug report.
  27. Giles Thompson <gwpt1@cus.cam.ac.uk> for bug report.
  28. Giorgio Sartor <0gioker0@gmail.com> for contribution of routines that
  29. implement the proximity search heuristic for MIP.
  30. Graham Rockwell <bionomicron@gmail.com> for bug report.
  31. Hans Schwengeler <Hans.Schwengeler@unibas.ch> for bug report.
  32. Harley Mackenzie <hjm@bigpond.com> for contribution of GLPK FAQ.
  33. Dr. Harley Mackenzie <hjm@hardsoftware.com> for two example MathProg
  34. models (curve fitting problem).
  35. Heinrich Schuchardt <heinrich.schuchardt@gmx.de> for contribution of
  36. makefiles and testing the package under 64-bit Windows.
  37. Heinrich Schuchardt <heinrich.schuchardt@gmx.de> for contribution of
  38. two MathProg table drivers for iODBC and MySQL.
  39. Heinrich Schuchardt <heinrich.schuchardt@gmx.de> for some patches for
  40. the MathProg translator.
  41. Heinrich Schuchardt <xypron.glpk@gmx.de> for testing the package on
  42. 32- and 64-bit MS Windows platforms.
  43. Ivan Luzzi <iluzzi@libero.it> for comments concerning CPLEX LP format.
  44. Ivo van Baren <i.van.baren@freeler.nl> for contribution of GLPK DELI
  45. (Delphi Interface).
  46. Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de> for some suggestions.
  47. Jeffrey Kantor <Kantor.1@nd.edu> for reporting typos in the MathProg
  48. language reference.
  49. Jiri Spitz <jiri.spitz@telecom.cz> for bug report.
  50. Joey Rios <joeylrios@hotmail.com> for some suggestions.
  51. Jonathan Senning <Jonathan.Senning@gordon.edu> for bug report.
  52. Karel Zimmermann <kzimm@diamant.jouy.inra.fr> for bug report.
  53. Kelly Westbrooks <kellywestbrooks@yahoo.com> for suggestions.
  54. Kendall Demaree <kendal.demaree@verizon.net> for bug report.
  55. Kjell Eikland <kjell.eikland@broadpark.no> for bug report.
  56. Larry D'Agostino <Larry.D'Agostino@gmacrescap.com> for example model in
  57. MathProg.
  58. Luiz Bettoni <bettoni@cpgei.ct.utfpr.edu.br> for some suggestions.
  59. Marco Atzeri <marco.atzeri@gmail.com> for bug report.
  60. Marco Atzeri <marco_atzeri@yahoo.it> for bug report.
  61. Markus Pilz <pilz@cs.uni-bonn.de> for bug report.
  62. Minh Ha Duong <haduong@centre-cired.fr> for fixing doc typos.
  63. Morten Welinder <terra@diku.dk> for bug report.
  64. Morten Welinder <terra@gnu.org> for bug report.
  65. Nelson H. F. Beebe <beebe@math.utah.edu> for bug report.
  66. Nicolo Giorgetti <giorgetti@dii.unisi.it> for contribution of GLPKMEX,
  67. a Matlab MEX interface.
  68. Niels Klitgord <niels@bu.edu> for bug report.
  69. Nigel Galloway <Nigel_Galloway@operamail.com> for an example MathProg
  70. model.
  71. Nigel Galloway <Nigel_Galloway@operamail.com> for an example program
  72. in C#.
  73. Nigel Galloway <nigel_galloway@operamail.com> for bug report.
  74. Nigel Galloway <nigel_galloway@operamail.com> for example models in
  75. MathProg.
  76. Noli Sicad <nsicad@gmail.com> for testing glpk under Mac OS.
  77. Noli Sicad <nsicad@gmail.com> for example model in MathProg.
  78. Olivier <odwl@skynet.be> for bug report.
  79. Oscar Gustafsson <oscarg@isy.liu.se> for contribution of a routine to
  80. write data in OPB (pseudo boolean) format.
  81. Peter T. Breuer <ptb@inv.it.uc3m.es> for bug report.
  82. Peter A. Huegler <phuegler@bsco.com> for bug report.
  83. Peter Ingerfeld <peter.ingerfeld@mops-optimizer.com> for bug report.
  84. Peter Lee <plee@kinggee.com.au> for example LP model and bug report.
  85. Pietro Scionti <pietro.scionti@archinet.it> for report typos found in
  86. the reference manual.
  87. Rafael Laboissiere <rafael@debian.org> for useful advices concerning
  88. shared library support under GNU/Linux.
  89. Raniere Gaia Costa da Silva for bug report.
  90. Robbie Morrison <robbie@actrix.co.nz> for correcting the glpk manual.
  91. Robert Wood <rgwood01@cox.net> for example model in MathProg.
  92. Roberto Bagnara <bagnara@cs.unipr.it> (Department of Mathematics,
  93. University of Parma, Italy) for bug report.
  94. Sami Farin <sfarin@ratol.fi> for bug report.
  95. Sebastian Nowozin <nowozin@gmail.com> for example models in MathProg.
  96. Sebastien Briais <sbriais@free.fr> for bug report.
  97. Sebastien de Menten <sdementen@hotmail.com> for bug report.
  98. Sebastien Villemot <sebastien@debian.org> for bug report.
  99. Stefan Vigerske <stefan@math.hu-berlin.de> for bug report.
  100. Stefan Vigerske <stefan@vigerske.de> for bug report.
  101. Sylvain Fournier for bug report.
  102. Thomas Kahle <tom111@gmx.de> for some suggestions.
  103. Uday Venkatadri <Uday.Venkatadri@dal.ca> for bug report.
  104. Vijay Patil <vijay.patil@gmail.com> for testing the package under
  105. Windows XP.
  106. Vlahos Kiriakos <Kiriakos.Vlahos@gs.com> for bug report.
  107. Xypron <xypron.glpk@gmx.de> for bug fixing and some improvments in the
  108. FPUMP module.
  109. Xypron <xypron.glpk@gmx.de> for bug patch.
  110. Xypron <xypron.glpk@gmx.de> for contribution and testing batch scripts
  111. to build Glpk with MS Visual Studio 2010.
  112. Xypron <xypron.glpk@gmx.de> for improving the SQL table driver.
  113. Xypron <xypron.glpk@gmx.de> for testing GLPK on 64-bit platforms and
  114. for maintaining Windows versions of the package.
  115. Yuri Victorovich <yuri@gjt.org> for contribution of GLPK Java binding.