* MappedFile.cpp * * Created on: Jan 21, 2014 * Author: Manuel Sascha Weiand */
#include "src/parser/MappedFile.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <cstring>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <boost/integer/integer_mask.hpp>
#include "src/exceptions/FileIoException.h"
#include "src/utility/macros.h"
namespace storm { namespace parser {
MappedFile::MappedFile(const char* filename) { #if defined LINUX || defined MACOSX
// Do file mapping for reasonable systems.
// stat64(), open(), mmap()
#ifdef MACOSX
if (stat(filename, &(this->st)) != 0) { #else
if (stat64(filename, &(this->st)) != 0) { #endif
STORM_LOG_ERROR("Error in stat(" << filename << "): Probably, this file does not exist."); throw exceptions::FileIoException() << "MappedFile Error in stat(): Probably, this file does not exist."; } this->file = open(filename, O_RDONLY);
if (this->file < 0) { STORM_LOG_ERROR("Error in open(" << filename << "): Probably, we may not read this file."); throw exceptions::FileIoException() << "MappedFile Error in open(): Probably, we may not read this file."; } this->data = static_cast<char*>(mmap(NULL, this->st.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, this->file, 0)); if (this->data == MAP_FAILED) { close(this->file); STORM_LOG_ERROR("Error in mmap(" << filename << "): " << std::strerror(errno)); throw exceptions::FileIoException() << "MappedFile Error in mmap(): " << std::strerror(errno); } this->dataEnd = this->data + this->st.st_size; #elif defined WINDOWS
// Do file mapping for windows.
// _stat64(), CreateFile(), CreateFileMapping(), MapViewOfFile()
if (_stat64(filename, &(this->st)) != 0) { STORM_LOG_ERROR("Error in _stat(" << filename << "): Probably, this file does not exist."); throw exceptions::FileIoException("MappedFile Error in stat(): Probably, this file does not exist."); }
this->file = CreateFileA(filename, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (this->file == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { STORM_LOG_ERROR("Error in CreateFileA(" << filename << "): Probably, we may not read this file."); throw exceptions::FileIoException("MappedFile Error in CreateFileA(): Probably, we may not read this file."); }
this->mapping = CreateFileMappingA(this->file, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, (DWORD)(st.st_size >> 32), (DWORD)st.st_size, NULL); if (this->mapping == NULL) { CloseHandle(this->file); STORM_LOG_ERROR("Error in CreateFileMappingA(" << filename << ")."); throw exceptions::FileIoException("MappedFile Error in CreateFileMappingA()."); }
this->data = static_cast<char*>(MapViewOfFile(this->mapping, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, this->st.st_size)); if (this->data == NULL) { CloseHandle(this->mapping); CloseHandle(this->file); STORM_LOG_ERROR("Error in MapViewOfFile(" << filename << ")."); throw exceptions::FileIoException("MappedFile Error in MapViewOfFile()."); } this->dataEnd = this->data + this->st.st_size; #endif
MappedFile::~MappedFile() { #if defined LINUX || defined MACOSX
munmap(this->data, this->st.st_size); close(this->file); #elif defined WINDOWS
CloseHandle(this->mapping); CloseHandle(this->file); #endif
bool MappedFile::fileExistsAndIsReadable(const char* filename) { // Test by opening an input file stream and testing the stream flags.
std::ifstream fin(filename); return fin.good(); }
char const* MappedFile::getData() const { return data; }
char const* MappedFile::getDataEnd() const { return dataEnd; } std::size_t MappedFile::getDataSize() const { return this->getDataEnd() - this->getData(); }
} // namespace parser
} // namespace storm