/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* File: stlsoft/system/cmdargs.hpp * * Purpose: Command-line sequences class. * * Created: 25th June 2005 * Updated: 10th August 2009 * * Home: http://stlsoft.org/
* * Copyright (c) 2005-2009, Matthew Wilson and Synesis Software * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * - Neither the name(s) of Matthew Wilson and Synesis Software nor the * names of any contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS * IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
/** \file stlsoft/system/cmdargs.hpp
* * [C++ only] Definition of the stlsoft::cmdargs class * (\ref group__library__system "System" Library). */
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Compatibility */
[Incompatibilies-start] STLSOFT_COMPILER_IS_WATCOM: [Incompatibilies-end] */
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Includes */
# include <stlsoft/stlsoft.h>
# include <string>
# include <stlsoft/string/simple_string.hpp>
# include <stlsoft/string/split_functions.hpp>
# include <stlsoft/string/string_view.hpp>
# include <utility>
# include <vector>
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Namespace */
namespace stlsoft { #endif /* _STLSOFT_NO_NAMESPACE */
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Classes */
/** Facade class that presents argc+argv command line parameters as
* two separate sequences of options (those arguments with - or -- * prefixes and, optionally, separated from an option value by a =) and * values (those without any leading hyphens) * * \ingroup group__library__system * * \note The cmdargs instance maintains views onto the actual arguments in * the argv array. Therefore, the behaviour is undefined if any code * modifies the strings pointed to by the elements in the argv array, or * repoints any of the <code>argv</code> elements to different strings. */ class cmdargs { public: #ifdef STLSOFT_SYSTEM_CMDARGS_USE_STD_STRING
typedef std::string string_type; #else /* ? STLSOFT_SYSTEM_CMDARGS_USE_STD_STRING */
typedef simple_string string_type; #endif /* STLSOFT_SYSTEM_CMDARGS_USE_STD_STRING */
typedef basic_string_view<char> string_view_type;
enum { singleDash = 1 , doubleDash = 2 , tripleDash = 3 };
/// Represents a command-line option
/// \warning The value of the <code>original</code> member will be
/// undefined if a copy of the instance is kept beyond the lifetime of
/// the cmdargs instance from which it was obtained.
struct option { string_type name; string_type value; int type; int index; string_view_type original;
option() : name() , value() , type(-1) , index(-1) , original() {} option(string_type const& n, string_type const& v, int t, int i, string_view_type const& o) : name(n) , value(v) , type(t) , index(i) , original(o) {} };
/// Represents a command-line value
/// \warning The value of the <code>name</code> member will be undefined
/// if a copy of the instance is kept beyond the lifetime of the
/// cmdargs instance from which it was obtained.
struct value { string_view_type name; int index;
value() : name() , index(-1) {} value(string_view_type const& v, int i) : name(v) , index(i) {} };
typedef option options_value_type; typedef value values_value_type;
typedef stlsoft_ns_qual_std(vector)<options_value_type> options_type; typedef stlsoft_ns_qual_std(vector)<values_value_type> values_type;
typedef options_type::const_iterator const_options_iterator; typedef values_type::const_iterator const_values_iterator;
typedef ss_size_t size_type; typedef ss_bool_t bool_type;
/// \name Construction
/// @{
public: /// Constructs from argc/argv
cmdargs(int argc, char /*const*/ ** argv); /// Releases any resources
~cmdargs() stlsoft_throw_0(); /// @}
/// \name Attributes
/// @{
public: /// non-mutating reference to the options
options_type const& options() const; /// non-mutating reference to the values
values_type const& values() const;
const_options_iterator options_begin() const; const_options_iterator options_end() const;
const_values_iterator values_begin() const; const_values_iterator values_end() const;
/// The number of options
size_type options_size() const; /// The number of values
size_type values_size() const; /// The numbers options and values
size_type size() const; /// Indicates whether there are any options and/or values
bool_type empty() const;
/// Determines whether the options collection contains an option of
/// the given name
/// \param optionName The name of the option to search for
/// \param type The type of the option (i.e the number of hyphens). It
/// defaults to -1, which indicates that the caller does not care.
template <ss_typename_param_k S> bool_type has_option(S const& optionName, int type = -1) const { return m_options.end() != has_option_(c_str_ptr(optionName)); } /// Determines whether the options collection contains an option of
/// the given name, and copies the found option's details into a
/// caller-supplied instance
/// \param optionName The name of the option to search for
/// \param type The type of the option (i.e the number of hyphens). The
/// caller can specify -1 to indicate that it does not care.
/// \param opt The instance into which the
template <ss_typename_param_k S> bool_type has_option(S const& optionName, int type, option& opt) const { options_type::const_iterator it = has_option_(c_str_ptr(optionName), type);
if(m_options.end() != it) { opt = *it;
return true; }
return false; }
template <ss_typename_param_k S> bool_type has_value(S const& valueName) const { return m_values.end() != has_value_(c_str_ptr(valueName)); } template <ss_typename_param_k S> bool_type has_value(S const& valueName, value& val) const { values_type::const_iterator it = has_value_(c_str_ptr(valueName));
if(m_values.end() != it) { val = *it;
return true; }
return false; } /// @}
/// \name Implementation
/// @{
private: values_type::const_iterator has_value_(char const* valueName) const; options_type::const_iterator has_option_(char const* optionName, int type) const; /// @}
/// \name Members
/// @{
private: options_type m_options; values_type m_values; /// @}
// Unit-testing
# include "./unittest/cmdargs_unittest_.h"
// Implementation
inline cmdargs::cmdargs(int argc, char /*const*/ **argv) { for(int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { char const *arg = argv[i];
if('-' == arg[0]) { ++arg;
const int type = ('-' != arg[0]) ? singleDash : (++arg, doubleDash); string_type s0; string_type s1;
split(arg, '=', s0, s1);
m_options.push_back(option(s0, s1, type, i, argv[i])); } else { m_values.push_back(value(arg, i)); } } }
inline cmdargs::~cmdargs() stlsoft_throw_0() { }
inline cmdargs::options_type const& cmdargs::options() const { return m_options; }
inline cmdargs::values_type const& cmdargs::values() const { return m_values; }
inline cmdargs::const_options_iterator cmdargs::options_begin() const { return m_options.begin(); }
inline cmdargs::const_options_iterator cmdargs::options_end() const { return m_options.end(); }
inline cmdargs::const_values_iterator cmdargs::values_begin() const { return m_values.begin(); }
inline cmdargs::const_values_iterator cmdargs::values_end() const { return m_values.end(); }
inline cmdargs::size_type cmdargs::options_size() const { return m_options.size(); }
inline cmdargs::size_type cmdargs::values_size() const { return m_values.size(); }
inline cmdargs::size_type cmdargs::size() const { return options_size() + values_size(); }
inline cmdargs::bool_type cmdargs::empty() const { return 0 == size(); }
inline cmdargs::values_type::const_iterator cmdargs::has_value_(char const* valueName) const { STLSOFT_ASSERT(NULL != valueName);
values_type::const_iterator b;
for(b = m_values.begin(); b != m_values.end(); ++b) { if((*b).name == valueName) { break; } }
return b; }
inline cmdargs::options_type::const_iterator cmdargs::has_option_(char const* optionName, int type) const { STLSOFT_ASSERT(NULL != optionName);
options_type::const_iterator b;
for(b = m_options.begin(); b != m_options.end(); ++b) { if( (*b).name == optionName && ( -1 == type || type == (*b).type)) { break; } }
return b; }
template <ss_typename_param_k S> inline S& operator <<(S &stm, cmdargs::option const& option) { static const char s_dashes[] = { '-' , '-' , '\0' }; char const *dashes = &s_dashes[(option.type == cmdargs::singleDash)];
if(option.value.empty()) { stm << dashes << option.name; } else { stm << dashes << option.name << '=' << option.value; }
return stm; }
template <ss_typename_param_k S> inline S& operator <<(S &stm, cmdargs::value const& value) { stm << value.name;
return stm; }
/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
} // namespace stlsoft
/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
/* ///////////////////////////// end of file //////////////////////////// */