/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* File: examples/cpp/backends/example.cpp.backends.file.callback/example.cpp.backends.file.callback.cpp * * Purpose: C++ example program for Pantheios. Demonstrates: * * - use of pantheios_be_file_setFilePath() * - use of pantheios::logputs() in bail-out conditions * * Created: 29th November 2006 * Updated: 7th December 2010 * * www: http://www.pantheios.org/
* * License: This source code is placed into the public domain 2006 * by Synesis Software Pty Ltd. There are no restrictions * whatsoever to your use of the software. * * This software is provided "as is", and any warranties, * express or implied, of any kind and for any purpose, are * disclaimed. * * ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
/* Pantheios Header Files */ #include <pantheios/pantheios.hpp> // Pantheios C++ main header
#include <pantheios/inserters/args.hpp> // for pantheios::args
#include <pantheios/backends/bec.file.h> // be.file header
/* Standard C/C++ Header Files */ #include <exception> // for std::exception
#include <new> // for std::bad_alloc
#include <string> // for std::string
#include <stdlib.h> // for exit codes
/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
/* Define the stock front-end process identity, so that it links when using
* fe.N, fe.simple, etc. */ PANTHEIOS_EXTERN_C const PAN_CHAR_T PANTHEIOS_FE_PROCESS_IDENTITY[] = PANTHEIOS_LITERAL_STRING("example.cpp.backends.file.callback");
/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
# define pan_strcpy_ wcscpy
# define pan_strcpy_ strcpy
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Application-defined functions */
/** Cause the file to be opened when the application is starting up.
*/ PANTHEIOS_CALL(void) pantheios_be_file_getAppInit( int /* backEndId */ , pan_be_file_init_t* init ) /* throw() */ { init->flags |= PANTHEIOS_BE_FILE_F_TRUNCATE; // Truncate the contents
init->flags |= PANTHEIOS_BE_FILE_F_DELETE_IF_EMPTY; // Delete the file if nothing written
init->fileName = pan_strcpy_(init->buff, PSTR("callback-test-%D-%T.log")); }
/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
int main(int argc, char **argv) { // Use of be.file involves several steps:
// 1. Linking to the back-end, either explicitly or implicitly
// 2. Setting the log file path for the given back-end(s)
// 3. Making log statements
// 4. Changing the log file path for the given back-end(s)
// 5. Closing the log file for the given back-end(s)
// In this case, linking is performed either by the build makefile or the
// IDE project file, to the be.file back-end.
// In this case, the log file path via the application-defined callback
// function pantheios_be_file_getAppInit(), which is called during program
// initialisation, prior to main() being called. At the same time, the
// In this case, the file is closed automatically during program
// uninitialisation.
pantheios::log_DEBUG("main(", pantheios::args(argc, argv), ")"); #else /* ? !PANTHEIOS_USE_WIDE_STRINGS */
pantheios::log_NOTICE(PSTR("stmt 1"));
pantheios::log_NOTICE(PSTR("stmt 2"));
pantheios::log_NOTICE(PSTR("stmt 3"));
pantheios::log_NOTICE(PSTR("stmt 4"));
pantheios::log_DEBUG(PSTR("exiting main()"));
return EXIT_SUCCESS; } catch(std::bad_alloc&) { pantheios::log(pantheios::alert, PSTR("out of memory")); } catch(std::exception& x) { pantheios::log_CRITICAL(PSTR("Exception: "), x); } catch(...) { pantheios::logputs(pantheios::emergency, PSTR("Unexpected unknown error")); }
return EXIT_FAILURE; }
/* ///////////////////////////// end of file //////////////////////////// */