author = "Arnold Sch{\"o}nhage and Volker Strassen",
   title = "Schnelle Multiplikation gro{\ss}er Zahlen",
   journal = "Computing {\bf 7}",
   year = 1971,
   pages = "281--292"}

   author = "Richard P. Brent",
   title = "The complexity of multiple-precision arithmetic",
   journal = "Complexity of Computational Problem Solving",
   editor = " R. P. Brent, R. S. Anderssen",
   publisher = "University of Queensland Press",
   year = "1976"} 

   author = "Richard P. Brent",
   title = "Fast multiple-precision evaluation of elementary functions",
   journal = "Journal of the ACM {\bf 23}",
   year = "1976",
   pages = "242--251"} 

   author = "Eugene Salamin",
   title = "Computation of {$\pi$} using arithmetic-geometric mean",
   journal = "Mathematics of Computation {\bf 30}",
   year = "1976",
   pages = "565--570"} 

   author = "Richard P. Brent and Edwin M. McMillan",
   title = "Some new algorithms for high-precision computation of Euler's constant",
   journal = "Mathematics of Computation {\bf 34}",
   year = "1980",
   pages = "305--312"} 

   author = "Jonathan M. Borwein and Peter B. Borwein", 
   title = "Pi and the AGM", 
   publisher = "Wiley", 
   year = "1987"}

   author = "E. A. Karatsuba",
   title = "Fast evaluation of transcendental functions",
   journal = "Probl. Peredachi Inform. \bf{27}",
   year = "1991",
   pages = "76--99"}

   author = "E. A. Karatsuba",
   title = "On fast computation of transcendental functions",
   journal = "Soviet Math. Dokl. \bf{43}",
   year = "1991",
   pages = "693--694"}

   author = "E. A. Karatsuba",
   title = "Fast evaluation of $\zeta(3)$",
   journal = "Probl. Peredachi Inform. \bf{29}",
   year = "1993",
   pages = "68--73"}

   author = "Thomas Papanikolaou and Ingrid Biehl and Johannes Buchmann", 
   title = "{\sf LiDIA}: a library for computational number theory", 
   institution = "Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes",
   type = "{SFB} 124 report",
   year = "1995"}

   author = "Henri Cohen and C. Batut and Dominique Bernardi and M. Olivier",
   title = "{GP/PARI} calculator -- Version 1.39.03",
   note = "Available via anonymous FTP from {\tt ftp://megrez.math.u-bordeaux.fr}",
   year = "1995"}

   author = "E. A. Karatsuba",
   title = "Fast calculation of the Riemann zeta function $\zeta(s)$ for integer values of the argument $s$",
   journal = "Probl. Inform. Transm. \bf{31}",
   year = "1995",
   pages = "353--362"}

   author = "Bruno Haible", 
   title = "{CLN}, a class library for numbers", 
   note = "Available via anonymous FTP from {\tt ftp://ftp.santafe.edu/pub/gnu/cln.tar.gz}",
   year = "1996"}

   author = "Theodor Amdeberhan and Doron Zeilberger",
   title = "Acceleration of hypergeometric series via the WZ method",
   note = "To appear in: Electronic Journal of Combinatorics,  Wilf Festschrift Volume"}

   author = "Simon Plouffe",
   title = "{ISC}: Inverse Symbolic Calculator",
   note = "Tables of records of computation, {\tt http://www.cecm.sfu.ca/projects/ISC/records2.html}"}

   author = "Richard P. Brent and Alf {van der Poorten} and Hermann {te Riele}",
   title = "A comparative study of algorithms for computing continued fractions
 of algebraic numbers",
   booktitle = "H. Cohen (editor), Algorithmic Number Theory: Second International Symposium, ANTS-II",
   publisher = "Springer Verlag",
   pages = "37--49",
   year = "1996"}

  AUTHOR        = "Thomas Papanikolaou",
  TITLE         = "Entwurf und Entwicklung einer objektorientierten Bibliothek
                   f{\"u}r algorithmische Zahlentheorie",
  TYPE          = "{PhD Thesis}",
  INSTITUTION   = "Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes",
  YEAR          = "1997"

  TITLE =        "{\sf LiDIA 1.3} -- a library for computational number theory",
  AUTHOR =       "{\sf LiDIA}-Group",
  ORGANIZATION = "Technische Universit{\"a}t Darmstadt",
  NOTE =         "Available via anonymous FTP from {\tt ftp://ftp.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de /pub/TI/systems/LiDIA} or via WWW from {\tt http://www.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/TI/LiDIA}",
  YEAR =         "1997"

   author = "Thomas Papanikolaou",
   title = "Homepage",
   note = "{\tt http://www.math.u-bordeaux.fr/\~{}papanik}"}