@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
/ / Basic definitions of numbers
# ifndef _CL_NUMBER_H
# define _CL_NUMBER_H
# include "cln/object.h"
# include "cln/malloc.h"
namespace cln {
/ / Type hierachy :
/ / Number ( N ) =
/ / Real ( R ) =
@ -110,26 +110,12 @@ inline _class_& _class_::operator= (const unsigned long wert) \
# endif
/ / Conversions to subtypes :
/ / As ( cl_I ) ( x ) returns x as a cl_I . It first checks that x is a cl_I
/ / and then returns it without change of representation .
#if 0 / / n o d e b u g i n f o r m a t i o n
# define As(type) as_##type
# define CL_DEFINE_AS_CONVERSION(_class_) \
extern const _class_ & as_ # # _class_ ( const cl_number & x ) ; \
inline const _class_ & as_ # # _class_ ( const _class_ & x ) { return x ; }
# else / / Line number information for ease of debugging.
# define As(type) as_##type cl_as_aux
# define cl_as_aux(expr) (expr,__FILE__,__LINE__)
# define CL_DEFINE_AS_CONVERSION(_class_) \
extern const _class_ & as_ # # _class_ ( const cl_number & x , const char * filename , int line ) ; \
inline const _class_ & as_ # # _class_ ( const _class_ & x , const char * filename , int line ) { ( void ) filename ; ( void ) line ; return x ; }
# endif
namespace cln {
/ / Constructors and assignment operators from C numeric types .
/ / from ` float ' :
union ffloatjanus ;
extern cl_private_thing cl_float_to_FF_pointer ( const union ffloatjanus & val ) ;
@ -145,6 +131,7 @@ inline _class_& _class_::operator= (const float x) \
/ / from ` double ' :
union dfloatjanus ;
extern struct cl_heap_dfloat * cl_double_to_DF_pointer ( const union dfloatjanus & val ) ;
@ -189,7 +176,6 @@ public:
/ / cl_number ( const char * ) ;
/ / Private pointer manipulations .
cl_number ( cl_private_thing ) ;
cl_private_thing _as_cl_private_thing ( ) const ;
} ;
/ / Private constructors .
@ -217,8 +203,8 @@ CL_DEFINE_DOUBLE_CONSTRUCTOR(cl_number)
/ / Hack section .
/ / Conversions to subtypes without checking :
/ / the < cl_I > ( x ) converts x to a cl_I , without change of representation !
/ / Conversions to subtypes without checking , template version :
/ / the < cl_I > ( x ) converts x to a cl_I , without change of representation .
template < class type >
inline const type & the ( const cl_number & x )
@ -226,13 +212,31 @@ inline const type& the(const cl_number& x)
typedef int assertion1 [ 1 - 2 * ( sizeof ( type ) ! = sizeof ( cl_number ) ) ] ;
return * ( const type * ) & x ;
/ / Conversions to subtypes without checking :
/ / The ( cl_I ) ( x ) converts x to a cl_I , without change of representation !
/ / Conversions to subtypes without checking , macro version :
/ / The ( cl_I ) ( x ) converts x to a cl_I , without change of representation .
# define The(type) *(const type *) & cl_identity
/ / This inline function is for type checking purposes only .
inline const cl_number & cl_identity ( const cl_number & x ) { return x ; }
} / / namespace cln
/ / Conversions to subtypes :
/ / As ( cl_I ) ( x ) returns x as a cl_I . It first checks that x is a cl_I
/ / and then returns it without change of representation .
#if 0 / / n o d e b u g i n f o r m a t i o n
# define As(type) as_##type
# define CL_DEFINE_AS_CONVERSION(_class_) \
extern const _class_ & as_ # # _class_ ( const cl_number & x ) ; \
inline const _class_ & as_ # # _class_ ( const _class_ & x ) { return x ; }
# else / / Line number information for ease of debugging.
# define As(type) as_##type cl_as_aux
# define cl_as_aux(expr) (expr,__FILE__,__LINE__)
# define CL_DEFINE_AS_CONVERSION(_class_) \
extern const _class_ & as_ # # _class_ ( const cl_number & x , const char * filename , int line ) ; \
inline const _class_ & as_ # # _class_ ( const _class_ & x , const char * filename , int line ) { ( void ) filename ; ( void ) line ; return x ; }
# endif
/ / Mutable ( type , x ) ;
/ / x should be a variable ` const type x ' or ` const type & x ' .
/ / This macro introduces a new variable ` type & x ' whose value can be
@ -252,6 +256,4 @@ inline const type& the(const cl_number& x)
const type & __tmp_ # # x = * ( const type * ) & x ; \
const type & x = __tmp_ # # x ;
} / / namespace cln
# endif /* _CL_NUMBER_H */