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Merge pull request 'Refactoring of Prism Output' (#1) from adversaries_and_refactoring into tempestpyadaption
Merge pull request 'Refactoring of Prism Output' (#1) from adversaries_and_refactoring into tempestpyadaption
Reviewed-on: #1pull/3/head
13 changed files with 944 additions and 1282 deletions
@ -1,24 +1,26 @@ |
include(util/CMakeLists.txt) |
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -D__FILENAME__='\"$(subst ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/,,$(abspath $<))\"'") |
add_definitions(-DLOG_DEBUG) |
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0...3.22) |
project( |
Minigrid2PRISM |
find_package(yaml-cpp) |
add_executable(main |
${SRCS} |
main.cpp |
) |
target_link_libraries(main pthread yaml-cpp) |
include(util/CMakeLists.txt) |
include(FetchContent) |
FetchContent_Declare( |
yaml-cpp |
GIT_TAG master |
) |
FetchContent_GetProperties(yaml-cpp) |
if(NOT yaml-cpp_POPULATED) |
message(STATUS "Fetching yaml-cpp...") |
FetchContent_Populate(yaml-cpp) |
add_subdirectory(${yaml-cpp_SOURCE_DIR} ${yaml-cpp_BINARY_DIR}) |
endif() |
FetchContent_MakeAvailable(yaml-cpp) |
add_executable(main ${SRCS} main.cpp) |
target_link_libraries(main pthread yaml-cpp::yaml-cpp) |
@ -0,0 +1,222 @@ |
#include "PrismFormulaPrinter.h"
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
std::string oneOffToString(const int &offset) { |
return offset != 0 ? ( offset == 1 ? "+1" : "-1" ) : ""; |
} |
std::string vectorToDisjunction(const std::vector<std::string> &formulae) { |
bool first = true; |
std::string disjunction = ""; |
for(const auto &formula : formulae) { |
if(first) first = false; |
else disjunction += " | "; |
disjunction += formula; |
} |
return disjunction; |
} |
std::string cellToConjunction(const AgentName &agentName, const cell &c) { |
return "x" + agentName + "=" + std::to_string(c.column) + "&y" + agentName + "=" + std::to_string(c.row); |
} |
std::string cellToConjunctionWithOffset(const AgentName &agentName, const cell &c, const std::string &xOffset, const std::string &yOffset){ |
return "x" + agentName + xOffset + "=" + std::to_string(c.column) + "&y" + agentName + yOffset + "=" + std::to_string(c.row); |
} |
std::string coordinatesToConjunction(const AgentName &agentName, const coordinates &c, const ViewDirection viewDirection) { |
return "x" + agentName + "=" + std::to_string(c.first) + "&y" + agentName + "=" + std::to_string(c.second) + "&view" + agentName + "=" + std::to_string(viewDirection); |
} |
std::string objectPositionToConjunction(const AgentName &agentName, const std::string &identifier, const std::pair<int, int> &relativePosition) { |
std::string xOffset = oneOffToString(relativePosition.first); |
std::string yOffset = oneOffToString(relativePosition.second); |
return "x" + agentName + xOffset + "=x" + identifier + "&y" + agentName + yOffset + "=y" + identifier; |
} |
std::string objectPositionToConjunction(const AgentName &agentName, const std::string &identifier, const std::pair<int, int> &relativePosition, const ViewDirection viewDirection) { |
std::string xOffset = oneOffToString(relativePosition.first); |
std::string yOffset = oneOffToString(relativePosition.second); |
return "x" + agentName + xOffset + "=x" + identifier + "&y" + agentName + yOffset + "=y" + identifier + "&view" + agentName + "=" + std::to_string(viewDirection); |
} |
std::map<ViewDirection, coordinates> getAdjacentCells(const cell &c) { |
return {{1, c.getNorth()}, {2, c.getEast()}, {3, c.getSouth()}, {0, c.getWest()}}; |
} |
std::map<ViewDirection, std::pair<int, int>> getRelativeAdjacentCells() { |
return { {1, {0,+1}}, {2, {-1,0}}, {3, {0,-1}}, {0, {+1,0}} }; |
} |
std::map<std::string, std::pair<int, int>> getRelativeSurroundingCells() { |
return { {"NorthWest", {-1,-1}}, {"North", { 0,-1}}, {"NorthEast", {+1,-1}}, |
{"West", {-1, 0}}, {"East", {+1, 0}}, |
{"SouthWest", {-1,+1}}, {"South", { 0,+1}}, {"SouthEast", {+1,+1}} }; |
} |
namespace prism { |
PrismFormulaPrinter::PrismFormulaPrinter(std::ostream &os, const std::map<std::string, cells> &restrictions, const cells &walls, const cells &boxes, const cells &balls, const cells &lockedDoors, const cells &unlockedDoors, const cells &keys, const std::map<std::string, cells> &slipperyTiles, const cells &lava, const cells &goals) |
: os(os), restrictions(restrictions), walls(walls), boxes(boxes), balls(balls), lockedDoors(lockedDoors), unlockedDoors(unlockedDoors), keys(keys), slipperyTiles(slipperyTiles), lava(lava), goals(goals) |
{ } |
void PrismFormulaPrinter::print(const AgentName &agentName) { |
for(const auto& [direction, cells] : restrictions) { |
printRestrictionFormula(agentName, direction, cells); |
} |
if(slipperyBehaviour()) { |
for(const auto& [direction, cells] : slipperyTiles) { |
printIsOnFormula(agentName, "Slippery", cells, direction); |
} |
std::vector<std::string> allSlipperyDirections = {agentName + "IsOnSlipperyNorth", agentName + "IsOnSlipperyEast", agentName + "IsOnSlipperySouth", agentName + "IsOnSlipperyWest"}; |
os << buildFormula(agentName + "IsOnSlippery", vectorToDisjunction(allSlipperyDirections)); |
for(const auto& [direction, relativePosition] : getRelativeSurroundingCells()) { |
printSlipRestrictionFormula(agentName, direction); |
} |
} else { |
os << buildFormula(agentName + "IsOnSlippery", "false"); |
} |
printIsOnFormula(agentName, "Lava", lava); |
printIsOnFormula(agentName, "Goal", goals); |
for(const auto& ball : balls) { |
std::string identifier = capitalize(ball.getColor()) + ball.getType(); |
printRelativeRestrictionFormulaWithCondition(agentName, identifier, "!" + identifier + "PickedUp"); |
portableObjects.push_back(agentName + "Carrying" + identifier); |
} |
for(const auto& box : boxes) { |
std::string identifier = capitalize(box.getColor()) + box.getType(); |
printRelativeRestrictionFormulaWithCondition(agentName, identifier, "!" + identifier + "PickedUp"); |
portableObjects.push_back(agentName + "Carrying" + identifier); |
} |
for(const auto& key : keys) { |
std::string identifier = capitalize(key.getColor()) + key.getType(); |
printRelativeRestrictionFormulaWithCondition(agentName, identifier, "!" + identifier + "PickedUp"); |
portableObjects.push_back(agentName + "Carrying" + identifier); |
} |
for(const auto& door : unlockedDoors) { |
std::string identifier = capitalize(door.getColor()) + door.getType(); |
printRestrictionFormulaWithCondition(agentName, identifier, getAdjacentCells(door), "!" + identifier + "Open"); |
printIsNextToFormula(agentName, identifier, getAdjacentCells(door)); |
} |
for(const auto& door : lockedDoors) { |
std::string identifier = capitalize(door.getColor()) + door.getType(); |
printRestrictionFormulaWithCondition(agentName, identifier, getAdjacentCells(door), "!" + identifier + "Open"); |
printIsNextToFormula(agentName, identifier, getAdjacentCells(door)); |
} |
if(conditionalMovementRestrictions.size() > 0) { |
os << buildFormula(agentName + "CannotMoveConditionally", vectorToDisjunction(conditionalMovementRestrictions)); |
os << buildFormula(agentName + "IsCarrying", vectorToDisjunction(portableObjects)); |
} else { |
os << buildFormula(agentName + "CannotMoveConditionally", "false"); |
} |
} |
void PrismFormulaPrinter::printRestrictionFormula(const AgentName &agentName, const std::string &direction, const cells &grid_cells) { |
os << buildFormula(agentName + "CannotMove" + direction + "Wall", buildDisjunction(agentName, grid_cells)); |
} |
void PrismFormulaPrinter::printIsOnFormula(const AgentName &agentName, const std::string &type, const cells &grid_cells, const std::string &direction) { |
os << buildFormula(agentName + "IsOn" + type + direction, buildDisjunction(agentName, grid_cells)); |
} |
void PrismFormulaPrinter::printIsNextToFormula(const AgentName &agentName, const std::string &type, const std::map<ViewDirection, coordinates> &coordinates) { |
os << buildFormula(agentName + "IsNextTo" + type, buildDisjunction(agentName, coordinates)); |
} |
void PrismFormulaPrinter::printRestrictionFormulaWithCondition(const AgentName &agentName, const std::string &reason, const std::map<ViewDirection, coordinates> &coordinates, const std::string &condition) { |
os << buildFormula(agentName + "CannotMove" + reason, "(" + buildDisjunction(agentName, coordinates) + ") & " + condition); |
conditionalMovementRestrictions.push_back(agentName + "CannotMove" + reason); |
} |
void PrismFormulaPrinter::printRelativeRestrictionFormulaWithCondition(const AgentName &agentName, const std::string &reason, const std::string &condition) { |
os << buildFormula(agentName + "CannotMove" + reason, "(" + buildDisjunction(agentName, reason) + ") & " + condition); |
conditionalMovementRestrictions.push_back(agentName + "CannotMove" + reason); |
} |
void PrismFormulaPrinter::printSlipRestrictionFormula(const AgentName &agentName, const std::string &direction) { |
std::pair<int, int> slipCell = getRelativeSurroundingCells().at(direction); |
bool semicolon = anyPortableObject() ? false : true; |
os << buildFormula(agentName + "CannotSlip" + direction, buildDisjunction(agentName, walls, slipCell), semicolon); |
for(auto const key : keys) { |
std::string identifier = capitalize(key.getColor()) + key.getType(); |
os << " | " << objectPositionToConjunction(agentName, identifier, slipCell); |
} |
for(auto const ball : balls) { |
std::string identifier = capitalize(ball.getColor()) + ball.getType(); |
os << " | " << objectPositionToConjunction(agentName, identifier, slipCell); |
} |
for(auto const box : boxes) { |
std::string identifier = capitalize(box.getColor()) + box.getType(); |
os << " | " << objectPositionToConjunction(agentName, identifier, slipCell); |
} |
os << ";\n"; |
} |
std::string PrismFormulaPrinter::buildFormula(const std::string &formulaName, const std::string &formula, const bool semicolon) { |
return "formula " + formulaName + " = " + formula + (semicolon ? ";\n": ""); |
} |
std::string PrismFormulaPrinter::buildDisjunction(const AgentName &agentName, const std::map<ViewDirection, coordinates> &cells) { |
if(cells.size() == 0) return "false"; |
bool first = true; |
std::string disjunction = ""; |
for(const auto [viewDirection, coordinates] : cells) { |
if(first) first = false; |
else disjunction += " | "; |
disjunction += "(" + coordinatesToConjunction(agentName, coordinates, viewDirection) + ")"; |
} |
return disjunction; |
} |
std::string PrismFormulaPrinter::buildDisjunction(const AgentName &agentName, const cells &cells) { |
if(cells.size() == 0) return "false"; |
bool first = true; |
std::string disjunction = ""; |
for(auto const cell : cells) { |
if(first) first = false; |
else disjunction += " | "; |
disjunction += "(" + cellToConjunction(agentName, cell) + ")"; |
} |
return disjunction; |
} |
std::string PrismFormulaPrinter::buildDisjunction(const AgentName &agentName, const std::string &reason) { |
std::string disjunction = ""; |
bool first = true; |
for(auto const [viewDirection, relativePosition] : getRelativeAdjacentCells()) { |
if(first) first = false; |
else disjunction += " | "; |
disjunction += "(" + objectPositionToConjunction(agentName, reason, relativePosition, viewDirection) + ")"; |
} |
return disjunction; |
} |
std::string PrismFormulaPrinter::buildDisjunction(const AgentName &agentName, const cells &cells, const std::pair<int, int> &offset) { |
std::string disjunction = ""; |
bool first = true; |
std::string xOffset = oneOffToString(offset.first); |
std::string yOffset = oneOffToString(offset.second); |
for(auto const cell : cells) { |
if(first) first = false; |
else disjunction += " | "; |
disjunction += "(" + cellToConjunctionWithOffset(agentName, cell, xOffset, yOffset) + ")"; |
} |
return disjunction; |
} |
bool PrismFormulaPrinter::slipperyBehaviour() const { |
return !"North").empty() || !"East").empty() || !"South").empty() || !"West").empty(); |
} |
bool PrismFormulaPrinter::anyPortableObject() const { |
return !keys.empty() || !boxes.empty() || !balls.empty(); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ |
#pragma once |
#include <iostream> |
#include <functional> |
#include "MinigridGrammar.h" |
#include "PrismPrinter.h" |
#include "ConfigYaml.h" |
std::string oneOffToString(const int &offset); |
std::string vectorToDisjunction(const std::vector<std::string> &formulae); |
std::string cellToConjunction(const AgentName &agentName, const cell &c); |
std::string cellToConjunctionWithOffset(const AgentName &agentName, const cell &c, const std::string &xOffset, const std::string &yOffset); |
std::string coordinatesToConjunction(const AgentName &agentName, const coordinates &c, const ViewDirection viewDirection); |
std::string objectPositionToConjunction(const AgentName &agentName, const std::string &identifier, const std::pair<int, int> &relativePosition); |
std::string objectPositionToConjunction(const AgentName &agentName, const std::string &identifier, const std::pair<int, int> &relativePosition, const ViewDirection viewDirection); |
std::map<ViewDirection, coordinates> getAdjacentCells(const cell &c); |
std::map<ViewDirection, std::pair<int, int>> getRelativeAdjacentCells(); |
std::map<std::string, std::pair<int, int>> getRelativeSurroundingCells(); |
namespace prism { |
class PrismFormulaPrinter { |
public: |
PrismFormulaPrinter(std::ostream &os, const std::map<std::string, cells> &restrictions, const cells &walls, const cells &boxes, const cells &balls, const cells &lockedDoors, const cells &unlockedDoors, const cells &keys, const std::map<std::string, cells> &slipperyTiles, const cells &lava, const cells &goals); |
void print(const AgentName &agentName); |
void printRestrictionFormula(const AgentName &agentName, const std::string &direction, const cells &grid_cells); |
void printIsOnFormula(const AgentName &agentName, const std::string &type, const cells &grid_cells, const std::string &direction = ""); |
void printIsNextToFormula(const AgentName &agentName, const std::string &type, const std::map<ViewDirection, coordinates> &coordinates); |
void printRestrictionFormulaWithCondition(const AgentName &agentName, const std::string &reason, const std::map<ViewDirection, coordinates> &coordinates, const std::string &condition); |
void printRelativeRestrictionFormulaWithCondition(const AgentName &agentName, const std::string &reason, const std::string &condition); |
void printSlipRestrictionFormula(const AgentName &agentName, const std::string &direction); |
private: |
std::string buildFormula(const std::string &formulaName, const std::string &formula, const bool semicolon = true); |
std::string buildLabel(const std::string &labelName, const std::string &label); |
std::string buildDisjunction(const AgentName &agentName, const std::map<ViewDirection, coordinates> &cells); |
std::string buildDisjunction(const AgentName &agentName, const cells &cells); |
std::string buildDisjunction(const AgentName &agentName, const std::string &reason); |
std::string buildDisjunction(const AgentName &agentName, const cells &cells, const std::pair<int, int> &offset); |
bool slipperyBehaviour() const; |
bool anyPortableObject() const; |
std::ostream &os; |
std::map<std::string, cells> restrictions; |
cells walls; |
cells boxes; |
cells balls; |
cells lockedDoors; |
cells unlockedDoors; |
cells keys; |
std::map<std::string, cells> slipperyTiles; |
cells lava; |
cells goals; |
std::vector<std::string> conditionalMovementRestrictions; |
std::vector<std::string> portableObjects; |
}; |
} |
File diff suppressed because it is too large
View File
File diff suppressed because it is too large
View File
@ -1,119 +1,111 @@ |
#pragma once |
#include <iostream> |
#include <set> |
#include <functional> |
#include "MinigridGrammar.h" |
#include "PrismPrinter.h" |
#include "ConfigYaml.h" |
std::string northUpdate(const AgentName &a); |
std::string southUpdate(const AgentName &a); |
std::string eastUpdate(const AgentName &a); |
std::string westUpdate(const AgentName &a); |
namespace prism { |
class PrismModulesPrinter { |
public: |
PrismModulesPrinter(const ModelType &modelType, const size_t &numberOfPlayer, std::vector<Configuration> config ,const bool enforceOneWays = false); |
std::ostream& printRestrictionFormula(std::ostream& os, const AgentName &agentName, const std::string &direction, const cells &grid_cells, const cells& keys, const cells& doors); |
std::ostream& printKeyRestrictionFormula(std::ostream& os, const AgentName &agentName, const std::string &direction, const cells &keys); |
std::ostream& printDoorRestrictionFormula(std::ostream& os, const AgentName &agentName, const std::string &direction, const cells &doors); |
std::ostream& printIsOnSlipperyFormula(std::ostream& os, const AgentName &agentName, const std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<cells>> &slipperyCollection, const cells &slipperyNorth, const cells &slipperyEast, const cells &slipperySouth, const cells &slipperyWest); |
std::ostream& printGoalLabel(std::ostream& os, const AgentName&agentName, const cells &goals); |
std::ostream& printCrashLabel(std::ostream &os, const std::vector<AgentName> agentNames); |
std::ostream& printAvoidanceLabel(std::ostream &os, const std::vector<AgentName> agentNames, const int &distance); |
std::ostream& printKeysLabels(std::ostream& os, const AgentName&agentName, const cells &keys); |
std::ostream& printBackgroundLabels(std::ostream &os, const AgentName &agentName, const std::pair<Color, cells> &backgroundTiles); |
std::ostream& printIsInLavaFormula(std::ostream& os, const AgentName &agentName, const cells &lava); |
std::ostream& printIsFixedFormulas(std::ostream& os, const AgentName &agentName); |
std::ostream& printTurningNotAllowedFormulas(std::ostream& os, const AgentName &agentName, const cells &floor); |
std::ostream& printWallFormula(std::ostream& os, const AgentName &agentName, const cells &walls); |
std::ostream& printFormulas(std::ostream& os, |
const AgentName&agentName, |
const cells &restrictionNorth, |
const cells &restrictionEast, |
const cells &restrictionSouth, |
const cells &restrictionWest, |
const std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<cells>> &slipperyCollection, |
const cells &lava, |
const cells &walls, |
const cells &noTurnFloor, |
const cells &slipperyNorth, |
const cells &slipperyEast, |
const cells &slipperySouth, |
const cells &slipperyWest, |
const cells &keys, |
const cells &doors); |
std::ostream& printKeyModule(std::ostream &os, const cell &key, const coordinates &boundaries, AgentName agentName); |
std::ostream& printKeyActions(std::ostream &os, const cell& key ,const std::string &keyIdentifier, AgentName agentName); |
std::ostream& printDoorModule(std::ostream &os, const cell &door, const coordinates &boundaries, AgentName agentName); |
std::ostream& printDoorActions(std::ostream &os, const cell &door ,const std::string &doorIdentifier, AgentName agentName); |
std::ostream& printConstants(std::ostream &os, const std::vector<std::string> &constants); |
/* |
* Representation for Slippery Tile. |
* -) North: Slips from North to South |
* -) East: Slips from East to West |
* -) South: Slips from South to North |
* -) West: Slips from West to East |
*/ |
enum class SlipperyType { North, East, South, West }; |
/* |
* Prints Slippery on move action. |
* |
* @param neighborhood: Information of wall-blocks in 8-neighborhood { n, nw, e, se, s, sw, w, nw }. If entry is false, then corresponding neighboorhood position is a wall. |
* @param orientation: Information of slippery type (either north, south, east, west). |
*/ |
std::ostream& printSlipperyMove(std::ostream &os, const AgentName &agentName, const size_t &agentIndex, const coordinates &c, std::set<std::string> &slipperyActions, const std::array<bool, 8>& neighborhood, SlipperyType orientation); |
/* |
* Prints Slippery on turn action. |
* |
* @param neighborhood: Information of wall-blocks in 8-neighborhood { n, nw, e, se, s, sw, w, nw }. If entry is false, then corresponding neighboorhood position is a wall. |
* @param orientation: Information of slippery type (either north, south, east, west). |
*/ |
std::ostream& printSlipperyTurn(std::ostream &os, const AgentName &agentName, const size_t &agentIndex, const coordinates &c, std::set<std::string> &slipperyActions, const std::array<bool, 8>& neighborhood, SlipperyType orientation); |
std::ostream& printModel(std::ostream &os, const ModelType &modelType); |
std::ostream& printBooleansForKeys(std::ostream &os, const AgentName &agentName, const cells &keys); |
std::ostream& printActionsForKeys(std::ostream &os, const AgentName &agentName, const cells &keys); |
std::ostream& printBooleansForBackground(std::ostream &os, const AgentName &agentName, const std::map<Color, cells> &backgroundTiles); |
std::ostream& printActionsForBackground(std::ostream &os, const AgentName &agentName, const std::map<Color, cells> &backgroundTiles); |
std::ostream& printInitStruct(std::ostream &os, const AgentNameAndPositionMap &agents, const KeyNameAndPositionMap &keys, const cells &lockedDoors, const cells &unlockedDoors, prism::ModelType modelType); |
std::ostream& printModule(std::ostream &os, |
const AgentName &agentName, |
const size_t &agentIndex, |
const coordinates &boundaries, |
const coordinates& initialPosition, |
const cells &keys, |
const std::map<Color, cells> &backgroundTiles, |
const bool agentWithView, |
const std::vector<float> &probabilities = {}, |
const double faultyProbability = 0); |
std::ostream& printMovementActions(std::ostream &os, const AgentName &agentName, const size_t &agentIndex, const bool agentWithView, const float &probability = 1.0, const double &stickyProbability = 0.0); |
std::ostream& printDoneActions(std::ostream &os, const AgentName &agentName, const size_t &agentIndex); |
std::ostream& printEndmodule(std::ostream &os); |
std::ostream& printPlayerStruct(std::ostream &os, const AgentName &agentName, const bool agentWithView, const std::vector<float> &probabilities = {}, const std::set<std::string> &slipperyActions = {}); |
std::ostream& printGlobalMoveVariable(std::ostream &os, const size_t &numberOfPlayer); |
std::ostream& printRewards(std::ostream &os, const AgentName &agentName, const std::map<coordinates, float> &stateRewards, const cells &lava, const cells &goals, const std::map<Color, cells> &backgroundTiles); |
std::ostream& printConfiguration(std::ostream &os, const std::vector<Configuration>& configurations); |
std::ostream& printConfiguredActions(std::ostream &os, const AgentName &agentName); |
std::string moveGuard(const size_t &agentIndex); |
std::string pickupGuard(const AgentName &agentName, const std::string keyColor); |
std::string dropGuard(const AgentName &agentName, const std::string keyColor, size_t view); |
std::string moveUpdate(const size_t &agentIndex); |
std::string unlockGuard(const AgentName &agentName, const cell& door); |
std::string toggleGuard(const AgentName &agentName, const cell& door); |
std::string viewVariable(const AgentName &agentName, const size_t &agentDirection, const bool agentWithView); |
PrismModulesPrinter(std::ostream& os, const ModelType &modelType, const coordinates &maxBoundaries, const cells &boxes, const cells &balls, const cells &lockedDoors, const cells &unlockedDoors, const cells &keys, const std::map<std::string, cells> &slipperyTiles, const AgentNameAndPositionMap &agentNameAndPositionMap, std::vector<Configuration> config, const float probIntended, const float faultyProbability); |
std::ostream& print(); |
void printModelType(const ModelType &modelType); |
bool isGame() const; |
private: |
void printPortableObjectModule(const cell &object); |
void printPortableObjectActions(const std::string &agentName, const std::string &identifier); |
void printDoorModule(const cell &object, const bool &opened); |
void printLockedDoorActions(const std::string &agentName, const std::string &identifier); |
void printUnlockedDoorActions(const std::string &agentName, const std::string &identifier); |
void printRobotModule(const AgentName &agentName, const coordinates &initialPosition); |
void printPortableObjectActionsForRobot(const std::string &agentName, const std::string &identifier); |
void printUnlockedDoorActionsForRobot(const std::string &agentName, const std::string &identifier); |
void printLockedDoorActionsForRobot(const std::string &agentName, const std::string &identifier, const std::string &key); |
void printMovementActionsForRobot(const std::string &a); |
void printTurnActionsForRobot(const std::string &a); |
void printSlipperyMovementActionsForRobot(const AgentName &a); |
void printSlipperyMovementActionsForNorth(const AgentName &a); |
void printSlipperyMovementActionsForEast(const AgentName &a); |
void printSlipperyMovementActionsForSouth(const AgentName &a); |
void printSlipperyMovementActionsForWest(const AgentName &a); |
void printSlipperyTurnActionsForNorth(const AgentName &a); |
void printSlipperyTurnActionsForEast(const AgentName &a); |
void printSlipperyTurnActionsForSouth(const AgentName &a); |
void printSlipperyTurnActionsForWest(const AgentName &a); |
std::string printMovementGuard(const AgentName &a, const std::string &direction, const size_t &viewDirection); |
std::string printMovementUpdate(const AgentName &a, const update &update) const; |
std::string printTurnGuard(const AgentName &a, const std::string &direction, const ActionId &actionId, const std::string &cond = ""); |
std::string printTurnUpdate(const AgentName &a, const update &u, const ActionId &actionId) const; |
std::string printSlipperyMovementGuard(const AgentName &a, const std::string &direction, const ViewDirection &viewDirection, const std::vector<std::string> &guards); |
std::string printSlipperyMovementUpdate(const AgentName &a, const std::string &direction, const updates &u) const; |
std::string printSlipperyTurnGuard(const AgentName &a, const std::string &direction, const ActionId &actionId, const std::vector<std::string> &guards, const std::string &cond); |
std::string printSlipperyTurnUpdate(const AgentName &a, const updates &u); |
void printFaultyMovementModule(const AgentName &a); |
void printMoveModule(); |
void printConstants(const std::vector<std::string> &constants); |
ModelType const& modelType; |
const size_t numberOfPlayer; |
bool enforceOneWays; |
void printDoneActions(const AgentName &agentName); |
void printPlayerStruct(const AgentName &agentName); |
void printRewards(const AgentName &agentName, const std::map<coordinates, float> &stateRewards, const cells &lava, const cells &goals, const std::map<Color, cells> &backgroundTiles); |
void printConfiguration(const std::vector<Configuration>& configurations); |
void printConfiguredActions(const AgentName &agentName); |
bool anyPortableObject() const; |
bool faultyBehaviour() const; |
bool slipperyBehaviour() const; |
std::string moveGuard(const AgentName &agentName) const; |
std::string faultyBehaviourGuard(const AgentName &agentName, const ActionId &actionId) const; |
std::string faultyBehaviourUpdate(const AgentName &agentName, const ActionId &actionId) const; |
std::string moveUpdate(const AgentName &agentName) const; |
std::string updatesToString(const updates &updates) const; |
std::string updateToString(const update &u) const; |
std::string viewVariable(const AgentName &agentName, const size_t &agentDirection) const; |
std::string buildConjunction(const AgentName &a, std::vector<std::string> formulae) const; |
std::ostream &os; |
std::stringstream actionStream; |
ModelType const &modelType; |
coordinates const &maxBoundaries; |
AgentName agentName; |
cells boxes; |
cells balls; |
cells lockedDoors; |
cells unlockedDoors; |
cells keys; |
std::map<std::string, cells> slipperyTiles; |
AgentNameAndPositionMap agentNameAndPositionMap; |
std::map<AgentName, size_t> agentIndexMap; |
size_t numberOfPlayer; |
float const faultyProbability; |
float const probIntended; |
std::vector<Configuration> configuration; |
std::map<int, std::string> viewDirectionMapping; |
std::vector<ViewDirection> viewDirections = {0, 1, 2, 3}; |
std::map<AgentName, std::set<std::pair<ActionId, std::string>>> agentNameActionMap; |
}; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
#include "PrismPrinter.h"
#include <algorithm>
std::string capitalize(std::string string) { |
string[0] = std::toupper(string[0]); |
return string; |
} |
Reference in new issue