Browse Source

removed dead code

sp 1 year ago
  1. 311


@ -478,315 +478,6 @@ namespace prism {
return os;
std::ostream& PrismModulesPrinter::printSlipperyTurn(std::ostream &os, const AgentName &agentName, const size_t &agentIndex, const coordinates &c, std::set<std::string> &slipperyActions, const std::array<bool, 8>& neighborhood, SlipperyType orientation) {
// constexpr std::size_t PROB_PIECES = 9, ALL_POSS_DIRECTIONS = 9;
// std::array<std::string, ALL_POSS_DIRECTIONS> positionTransition = {
// /* north */ "(y" + agentName + "'=y" + agentName + "-1)",
// /* north east */ "(x" + agentName + "'=x" + agentName + "+1) & (y" + agentName + "'=y" + agentName + "-1)",
// /* east */ "(x" + agentName + "'=x" + agentName + "+1)",
// /* east south */ "(x" + agentName + "'=x" + agentName + "+1) & (y" + agentName + "'=y" + agentName + "+1)",
// /* south */ "(y" + agentName + "'=y" + agentName + "+1)",
// /* south west */ "(x" + agentName + "'=x" + agentName + "-1) & (y" + agentName + "'=y" + agentName + "+1)",
// /* west */ "(x" + agentName + "'=x" + agentName + "-1)",
// /* north west */ "(x" + agentName + "'=x" + agentName + "-1) & (y" + agentName + "'=y" + agentName + "-1)",
// /* own position */ "(x" + agentName + "'=x" + agentName + ") & (y" + agentName + "'=y" + agentName + ")"
// };
// // view transition appdx in form (guard, update part)
// // IMPORTANT: No mod() usage for turn left due to bug in mod() function for decrement
// std::array<std::tuple<std::string, std::string, std::string>, 3> viewTransition = {
// std::make_tuple(" & " + agentName + "SlipperyTurnRightAllowed ", " & (view" + agentName + "'=mod(view" + agentName + " + 1, 4))", "_right]"),
// std::make_tuple(" & " + agentName + "SlipperyTurnLeftAllowed & view" + agentName + ">0", " & (view" + agentName + "'=view" + agentName + " - 1)", "_left]"),
// std::make_tuple(" & " + agentName + "SlipperyTurnLeftAllowed & view" + agentName + "=0", " & (view" + agentName + "'=3)", "_left]")
// };
// // direction specifics
// std::string actionName;
// std::string positionGuard;
// std::size_t remainPosIndex = 8;
// std::array<std::size_t, ALL_POSS_DIRECTIONS> prob_piece_dir; // { n, ne, e, se, s, sw, w, nw, CURRENT POS }
// std::array<std::string, ALL_POSS_DIRECTIONS> prob_piece_dir_constants;
// switch (orientation)
// {
// case SlipperyType::North:
// actionName = "\t[" + agentName + "turn_at_slip_north";
// positionGuard = "\t" + agentName + "IsOnSlipperyNorth";
// prob_piece_dir = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 /* <- R */ };
// prob_piece_dir_constants = { "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_turn_displacement" /* <- R */, "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero","prop_zero" };
// break;
// case SlipperyType::South:
// actionName = "\t[" + agentName + "turn_at_slip_south";
// positionGuard = "\t" + agentName + "IsOnSlipperySouth";
// prob_piece_dir = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 /* <- R */ };
// prob_piece_dir_constants = { "prop_turn_displacement", "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero" };
// break;
// case SlipperyType::East:
// actionName = "\t[" + agentName + "turn_at_slip_east";
// positionGuard = "\t" + agentName + "IsOnSlipperyEast";
// prob_piece_dir = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 /* <- R */ };
// prob_piece_dir_constants = { "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_turn_displacement", "prop_zero", "prop_zero" };
// break;
// case SlipperyType::West:
// actionName = "\t[" + agentName + "turn_at_slip_west";
// positionGuard = "\t" + agentName + "IsOnSlipperyWest";
// prob_piece_dir = { 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 /* <- R */ };
// prob_piece_dir_constants = { "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_turn_displacement", "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero" };
// break;
// }
// slipperyActions.insert(actionName + "_left]");
// slipperyActions.insert(actionName + "_right]");
// // override probability to 0 if corresp. direction is blocked
// for (std::size_t i = 0; i < ALL_POSS_DIRECTIONS - 1; i++) {
// if (!
// = 0;
// }
// // determine residual probability (R) by replacing 0 with (1 - overall sum)
// = PROB_PIECES - std::accumulate(prob_piece_dir.begin(), prob_piece_dir.end(), 0);
// = "prop_turn_intended";
// // <DEBUG_AREA>
// {
// assert( <= 9 && >= 6 && "Value not in Range!");
// assert(std::accumulate(prob_piece_dir.begin(), prob_piece_dir.end(), 0) == PROB_PIECES && "Does not sum up to 1!");
// }
// // </DEBUG_AREA>
// // generic output (for every view transition)
// for (std::size_t v = 0; v < viewTransition.size(); v++) {
// os << actionName << std::get<2>( << moveGuard(agentIndex) << " x" << agentName << "=" << c.second << " & y" << agentName << "=" << c.first << std::get<0>(;
// for (std::size_t i = 0; i < ALL_POSS_DIRECTIONS; i++) {
// if (i == remainPosIndex) {
// os << (i == 0 ? " -> " : " + ") << << " : " << << std::get<1>( << moveUpdate(agentIndex) << (i == ALL_POSS_DIRECTIONS - 1 ? ";\n" : "\n");
// } else {
// os << (i == 0 ? " -> " : " + ") << << " : " << << moveUpdate(agentIndex) << (i == ALL_POSS_DIRECTIONS - 1 ? ";\n" : "\n");
// }
// }
// }
return os;
std::ostream& PrismModulesPrinter::printSlipperyMove(std::ostream &os, const AgentName &agentName, const size_t &agentIndex, const coordinates &c, std::set<std::string> &slipperyActions, const std::array<bool, 8>& neighborhood, SlipperyType orientation) {
//constexpr std::size_t PROB_PIECES = 9, ALL_POSS_DIRECTIONS = 8;
//std::array<std::string, ALL_POSS_DIRECTIONS> positionTransition = {
// /* north */ "(y" + agentName + "'=y" + agentName + "-1)",
// /* north east */ "(x" + agentName + "'=x" + agentName + "+1) & (y" + agentName + "'=y" + agentName + "-1)",
// /* east */ "(x" + agentName + "'=x" + agentName + "+1)",
// /* east south */ "(x" + agentName + "'=x" + agentName + "+1) & (y" + agentName + "'=y" + agentName + "+1)",
// /* south */ "(y" + agentName + "'=y" + agentName + "+1)",
// /* south west */ "(x" + agentName + "'=x" + agentName + "-1) & (y" + agentName + "'=y" + agentName + "+1)",
// /* west */ "(x" + agentName + "'=x" + agentName + "-1)",
// /* north west */ "(x" + agentName + "'=x" + agentName + "-1) & (y" + agentName + "'=y" + agentName + "-1)"
//// direction specifics
//std::size_t straightPosIndex, straightPosIndex_east, straightPosIndex_south, straightPosIndex_west, straightPosIndex_north;
//std::string actionName, specialTransition; // if straight ahead is blocked
//std::string positionGuard;
//std::array<std::size_t, ALL_POSS_DIRECTIONS> prob_piece_dir; // { n, ne, e, se, s, sw, w, nw }
//std::array<std::size_t, ALL_POSS_DIRECTIONS> prob_piece_dir_agent_north; // { n, ne, e, se, s, sw, w, nw }
//std::array<std::size_t, ALL_POSS_DIRECTIONS> prob_piece_dir_agent_east; // { n, ne, e, se, s, sw, w, nw }
//std::array<std::size_t, ALL_POSS_DIRECTIONS> prob_piece_dir_agent_south; // { n, ne, e, se, s, sw, w, nw }
//std::array<std::size_t, ALL_POSS_DIRECTIONS> prob_piece_dir_agent_west; // { n, ne, e, se, s, sw, w, nw }
//std::array<std::string, ALL_POSS_DIRECTIONS> prob_piece_dir_constants;
//std::array<std::string, ALL_POSS_DIRECTIONS> prob_piece_dir_constants_agent_north;
//std::array<std::string, ALL_POSS_DIRECTIONS> prob_piece_dir_constants_agent_east;
//std::array<std::string, ALL_POSS_DIRECTIONS> prob_piece_dir_constants_agent_south;
//std::array<std::string, ALL_POSS_DIRECTIONS> prob_piece_dir_constants_agent_west;
//switch (orientation)
// case SlipperyType::North:
// actionName = "\t[" + agentName + "move_on_slip_north]";
// positionGuard = "\t" + agentName + "IsOnSlipperyNorth";
// prob_piece_dir = { 0, 0, 1, 2, 0 /* <- R */, 2, 1, 0 };
// prob_piece_dir_agent_south = { 0 , 0, 0, 1, 0 /*s <- R */, 1, 0, 0};
// prob_piece_dir_agent_east = { 0, 0, 0 /*e <- R */, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
// prob_piece_dir_agent_north = { 0 /*n <- R */, 0, 0, 0, 2 , 0, 0, 0 };
// prob_piece_dir_agent_west = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0 /* <- R */, 0 };
// prob_piece_dir_constants = { "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_displacement * 1/2", "prop_displacement", "prop_zero" /* <- R */, "prop_displacement", "prop_displacement * 1/2", "prop_zero" };
// prob_piece_dir_constants_agent_north = { "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_displacement * 1/2", "prop_zero" /* <- R */, "prop_displacement * 1/2", "prop_zero", "prop_zero" };
// prob_piece_dir_constants_agent_east = { "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_displacement", "prop_zero" /* <- R */, "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero" };
// prob_piece_dir_constants_agent_south = { "prop_displacement", "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero" /* <- R */, "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero" } ;
// prob_piece_dir_constants_agent_west ={ "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero" /* <- R */, "prop_displacement", "prop_zero", "prop_zero" } ;
// straightPosIndex = 4;
// straightPosIndex_east = 2;
// straightPosIndex_south = 4;
// straightPosIndex_west = 6;
// straightPosIndex_north = 0;
// specialTransition = "(y" + agentName + "'=y" + agentName + (! ? ")" : "+1)");
// break;
// case SlipperyType::South:
// actionName = "\t[" + agentName + "move_on_slip_south]";
// positionGuard = "\t" + agentName + "IsOnSlipperySouth";
// prob_piece_dir = { 0 /* <- R */, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2 };
// // { n, ne, e, se, s, sw, w, nw }
// prob_piece_dir_agent_north = { 0 /*n <- R */, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1};
// prob_piece_dir_agent_east = { 0, 2, 0 /*e <- R */, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
// prob_piece_dir_agent_south = { 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 /*s <- R */, 0, 0, 0 };
// prob_piece_dir_agent_west = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 /* <- R */, 2 };
// prob_piece_dir_constants = { "prop_zero" /* <- R */, "prop_displacement", "prop_displacement * 1/2", "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_displacement * 1/2", "prop_displacement" };
// prob_piece_dir_constants_agent_north = { "prop_zero", "prop_displacement * 1/2", "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero" /* <- R */, "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_displacement * 1/2" };
// prob_piece_dir_constants_agent_east = { "prop_zero", "prop_displacement", "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero" /* <- R */, "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero" };
// prob_piece_dir_constants_agent_south = { "prop_displacement", "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero" /* <- R */, "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero" } ;
// prob_piece_dir_constants_agent_west ={ "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero" /* <- R */, "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_displacement" } ;
// straightPosIndex = 0; // always north
// straightPosIndex_east = 2;
// straightPosIndex_south = 4;
// straightPosIndex_west = 6;
// straightPosIndex_north = 0;
// specialTransition = "(y" + agentName + "'=y" + agentName + (! ? ")" : "-1)");
// break;
// case SlipperyType::East:
// actionName = "\t[" + agentName + "move_on_slip_east]";
// positionGuard = "\t" + agentName + "IsOnSlipperyEast";
// // { n, ne, e, se, s, sw, w, nw }
// prob_piece_dir = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0 /* <- R */, 2 };
// // TODO
// prob_piece_dir_agent_north = { 0 /*n <- R */, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1};
// prob_piece_dir_agent_east = { 0, 2, 0 /*e <- R */, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
// prob_piece_dir_agent_south = { 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 /*s <- R */, 0, 0, 0 };
// prob_piece_dir_agent_west = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 /* <- R */, 2 };
// prob_piece_dir_constants = { "prop_displacement * 1/2", "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_displacement * 1/2", "prop_displacement", "prop_zero" /* <- R */, "prop_displacement" };
// prob_piece_dir_constants_agent_north = { "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero" /* <- R */, "prop_zero", "prop_displacement * 1/2", "prop_displacement * 1/2" };
// prob_piece_dir_constants_agent_east = { "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero" /* <- R */, "prop_zero", "prop_displacement", "prop_zero" };
// prob_piece_dir_constants_agent_south = { "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero" /* <- R */, "prop_displacement * 1/2", "prop_displacement * 1/2", "prop_zero" } ;
// prob_piece_dir_constants_agent_west ={ "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero" /* <- R */, "prop_displacement * 1/2", "prop_zero", "prop_displacement * 1/2" } ;
// straightPosIndex = 6;
// straightPosIndex_east = 2;
// straightPosIndex_south = 4;
// straightPosIndex_west = 6;
// straightPosIndex_north = 0;
// specialTransition = "(x" + agentName + "'=x" + agentName + (! ? ")" : "-1)");
// break;
// case SlipperyType::West:
// actionName = "\t[" + agentName + "move_on_slip_west]";
// positionGuard = "\t" + agentName + "IsOnSlipperyWest";
// prob_piece_dir = { 1, 2, 0 /* <- R */, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0 };
// // TODO
// // { n, ne, e, se, s, sw, w, nw }
// prob_piece_dir_agent_north = { 0 /*n <- R */, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1};
// prob_piece_dir_agent_east = { 0, 2, 0 /*e <- R */, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
// prob_piece_dir_agent_south = { 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 /*s <- R */, 0, 0, 0 };
// prob_piece_dir_agent_west = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 /* <- R */, 2 };
// prob_piece_dir_constants = {"prop_displacement * 1/2", "prop_displacement", "prop_zero" /* <- R */, "prop_displacement", "prop_displacement * 1/2", "prop_zero","prop_zero", "prop_zero" };
// prob_piece_dir_constants_agent_north = { "prop_zero", "prop_displacement * 1/2", "prop_displacement * 1/2", "prop_zero", "prop_zero" /* <- R */, "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero" };
// prob_piece_dir_constants_agent_east = { "prop_zero", "prop_displacement * 1/2", "prop_zero", "prop_displacement * 1/2", "prop_zero" /* <- R */, "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero" };
// prob_piece_dir_constants_agent_south = { "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_displacement * 1/2", "prop_displacement * 1/2", "prop_zero" /* <- R */, "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero" } ;
// prob_piece_dir_constants_agent_west ={ "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_displacement", "prop_zero", "prop_zero" /* <- R */, "prop_zero", "prop_zero", "prop_zero" } ;
// straightPosIndex = 2;
// straightPosIndex_east = 2;
// straightPosIndex_south = 4;
// straightPosIndex_west = 6;
// straightPosIndex_north = 0;
// specialTransition = "(x" + agentName + "'=x" + agentName + (! ? ")" : "+1)");
// break;
//// override probability to 0 if corresp. direction is blocked
//for (std::size_t i = 0; i < ALL_POSS_DIRECTIONS; i++) {
// if (!
// = 0;
//// determine residual probability (R) by replacing 0 with (1 - overall sum)
// = PROB_PIECES - std::accumulate(prob_piece_dir.begin(), prob_piece_dir.end(), 0);
// = "prop_intended";
// = "prop_intended";
// = "prop_intended";
// = "prop_intended";
// = "prop_intended";
// assert( <= 9 && >= 3 && "Value not in Range!");
// assert(std::accumulate(prob_piece_dir.begin(), prob_piece_dir.end(), 0) == PROB_PIECES && "Does not sum up to 1!");
// assert(orientation != SlipperyType::North || ( == 0 && == 0 && == 0 && "Slippery up should be impossible!"));
// assert(orientation != SlipperyType::South || ( == 0 && == 0 && == 0 && "Slippery down should be impossible!"));
// assert(orientation != SlipperyType::East || ( == 0 && == 0 && == 0 && "Slippery right should be impossible!"));
// assert(orientation != SlipperyType::West || ( == 0 && == 0 && == 0 && "Slippery left should be impossible!"));
//// </DEBUG_AREA>
//// special case: straight forward is blocked (then remain in same position)
// = specialTransition;
//// generic output (for every view and every possible view direction)
//size_t current_dir = 0; // East
//os << actionName << moveGuard(agentIndex) << " x" << agentName << "=" << c.second << " & y" << agentName << "=" << c.first << " & " << agentName << "SlipperyMoveForwardAllowed " << "& " << "view" << agentName << "=" << current_dir;
//for (std::size_t i = 0; i < ALL_POSS_DIRECTIONS; i++) {
// os << (i == 0 ? " -> " : " + ") << << " : " << << moveUpdate(agentIndex) << (i == ALL_POSS_DIRECTIONS - 1 ? ";\n" : "\n");
//current_dir = 1; // South
//os << actionName << moveGuard(agentIndex) << " x" << agentName << "=" << c.second << " & y" << agentName << "=" << c.first << " & " << agentName << "SlipperyMoveForwardAllowed " << "& " << "view" << agentName << "=" << current_dir;
//for (std::size_t i = 0; i < ALL_POSS_DIRECTIONS; i++) {
// os << (i == 0 ? " -> " : " + ") << << " : " << << moveUpdate(agentIndex) << (i == ALL_POSS_DIRECTIONS - 1 ? ";\n" : "\n");
//current_dir = 2; // West
//os << actionName << moveGuard(agentIndex) << " x" << agentName << "=" << c.second << " & y" << agentName << "=" << c.first << " & " << agentName << "SlipperyMoveForwardAllowed " << "& " << "view" << agentName << "=" << current_dir;
//for (std::size_t i = 0; i < ALL_POSS_DIRECTIONS; i++) {
// os << (i == 0 ? " -> " : " + ") << << " : " << << moveUpdate(agentIndex) << (i == ALL_POSS_DIRECTIONS - 1 ? ";\n" : "\n");
//current_dir = 3; // North
//os << actionName << moveGuard(agentIndex) << " x" << agentName << "=" << c.second << " & y" << agentName << "=" << c.first << " & " << agentName << "SlipperyMoveForwardAllowed " << "& " << "view" << agentName << "=" << current_dir;
//for (std::size_t i = 0; i < ALL_POSS_DIRECTIONS; i++) {
// os << (i == 0 ? " -> " : " + ") << << " : " << << moveUpdate(agentIndex) << (i == ALL_POSS_DIRECTIONS - 1 ? ";\n" : "\n");
return os;
std::ostream& PrismModulesPrinter::printPlayerStruct(std::ostream &os, const AgentName &agentName, const bool agentWithView, const std::vector<float> &probabilities, const std::set<std::string> &slipperyActions) {
os << "player " << agentName << "\n\t";
bool first = true;
@ -926,7 +617,7 @@ namespace prism {
if(first) first = false;
else updatesString += " + ";
updatesString += updateToString(update);
if(faultyBehaviour()) updatesString += "&" + faultyBehaviourUpdate(a, actionId);
//if(faultyBehaviour()) updatesString += "&" + faultyBehaviourUpdate(a, actionId);
return updatesString;
