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from __future__ import annotations
from minigrid.core.constants import COLOR_NAMES
from minigrid.core.grid import Grid
from minigrid.core.mission import MissionSpace
from minigrid.core.world_object import Door, Goal, Wall
from minigrid.minigrid_env import MiniGridEnv
class MultiRoom:
def __init__(self, top, size, entryDoorPos, exitDoorPos): = top
self.size = size
self.entryDoorPos = entryDoorPos
self.exitDoorPos = exitDoorPos
class MultiRoomEnv(MiniGridEnv):
## Description
This environment has a series of connected rooms with doors that must be
opened in order to get to the next room. The final room has the green goal
square the agent must get to. This environment is extremely difficult to
solve using RL alone. However, by gradually increasing the number of rooms
and building a curriculum, the environment can be solved.
## Mission Space
"traverse the rooms to get to the goal"
## Action Space
| Num | Name | Action |
| 0 | left | Turn left |
| 1 | right | Turn right |
| 2 | forward | Move forward |
| 3 | pickup | Unused |
| 4 | drop | Unused |
| 5 | toggle | Toggle/activate an object |
| 6 | done | Unused |
## Observation Encoding
- Each tile is encoded as a 3 dimensional tuple:
- `OBJECT_TO_IDX` and `COLOR_TO_IDX` mapping can be found in
- `STATE` refers to the door state with 0=open, 1=closed and 2=locked
## Rewards
A reward of '1 - 0.9 * (step_count / max_steps)' is given for success, and '0' for failure.
## Termination
The episode ends if any one of the following conditions is met:
1. The agent reaches the goal.
2. Timeout (see `max_steps`).
## Registered Configurations
S: size of map SxS.
N: number of rooms.
- `MiniGrid-MultiRoom-N2-S4-v0` (two small rooms)
- `MiniGrid-MultiRoom-N4-S5-v0` (four rooms)
- `MiniGrid-MultiRoom-N6-v0` (six rooms)
def __init__(
max_steps: int | None = None,
assert minNumRooms > 0
assert maxNumRooms >= minNumRooms
assert maxRoomSize >= 4
self.minNumRooms = minNumRooms
self.maxNumRooms = maxNumRooms
self.maxRoomSize = maxRoomSize
self.rooms = []
mission_space = MissionSpace(mission_func=self._gen_mission)
self.size = 25
if max_steps is None:
max_steps = maxNumRooms * 20
def _gen_mission():
return "traverse the rooms to get to the goal"
def _gen_grid(self, width, height):
roomList = []
# Choose a random number of rooms to generate
numRooms = self._rand_int(self.minNumRooms, self.maxNumRooms + 1)
while len(roomList) < numRooms:
curRoomList = []
entryDoorPos = (self._rand_int(0, width - 2), self._rand_int(0, width - 2))
# Recursively place the rooms
if len(curRoomList) > len(roomList):
roomList = curRoomList
# Store the list of rooms in this environment
assert len(roomList) > 0
self.rooms = roomList
# Create the grid
self.grid = Grid(width, height)
wall = Wall()
prevDoorColor = None
# For each room
for idx, room in enumerate(roomList):
topX, topY =
sizeX, sizeY = room.size
# Draw the top and bottom walls
for i in range(0, sizeX):
self.grid.set(topX + i, topY, wall)
self.grid.set(topX + i, topY + sizeY - 1, wall)
# Draw the left and right walls
for j in range(0, sizeY):
self.grid.set(topX, topY + j, wall)
self.grid.set(topX + sizeX - 1, topY + j, wall)
# If this isn't the first room, place the entry door
if idx > 0:
# Pick a door color different from the previous one
doorColors = set(COLOR_NAMES)
if prevDoorColor:
# Note: the use of sorting here guarantees determinism,
# This is needed because Python's set is not deterministic
doorColor = self._rand_elem(sorted(doorColors))
entryDoor = Door(doorColor)
self.grid.set(room.entryDoorPos[0], room.entryDoorPos[1], entryDoor)
prevDoorColor = doorColor
prevRoom = roomList[idx - 1]
prevRoom.exitDoorPos = room.entryDoorPos
# Randomize the starting agent position and direction
self.place_agent(roomList[0].top, roomList[0].size)
# Place the final goal in the last room
self.goal_pos = self.place_obj(Goal(), roomList[-1].top, roomList[-1].size)
self.mission = "traverse the rooms to get to the goal"
def _placeRoom(self, numLeft, roomList, minSz, maxSz, entryDoorWall, entryDoorPos):
# Choose the room size randomly
sizeX = self._rand_int(minSz, maxSz + 1)
sizeY = self._rand_int(minSz, maxSz + 1)
# The first room will be at the door position
if len(roomList) == 0:
topX, topY = entryDoorPos
# Entry on the right
elif entryDoorWall == 0:
topX = entryDoorPos[0] - sizeX + 1
y = entryDoorPos[1]
topY = self._rand_int(y - sizeY + 2, y)
# Entry wall on the south
elif entryDoorWall == 1:
x = entryDoorPos[0]
topX = self._rand_int(x - sizeX + 2, x)
topY = entryDoorPos[1] - sizeY + 1
# Entry wall on the left
elif entryDoorWall == 2:
topX = entryDoorPos[0]
y = entryDoorPos[1]
topY = self._rand_int(y - sizeY + 2, y)
# Entry wall on the top
elif entryDoorWall == 3:
x = entryDoorPos[0]
topX = self._rand_int(x - sizeX + 2, x)
topY = entryDoorPos[1]
assert False, entryDoorWall
# If the room is out of the grid, can't place a room here
if topX < 0 or topY < 0:
return False
if topX + sizeX > self.width or topY + sizeY >= self.height:
return False
# If the room intersects with previous rooms, can't place it here
for room in roomList[:-1]:
nonOverlap = (
topX + sizeX <[0]
or[0] + room.size[0] <= topX
or topY + sizeY <[1]
or[1] + room.size[1] <= topY
if not nonOverlap:
return False
# Add this room to the list
roomList.append(MultiRoom((topX, topY), (sizeX, sizeY), entryDoorPos, None))
# If this was the last room, stop
if numLeft == 1:
return True
# Try placing the next room
for i in range(0, 8):
# Pick which wall to place the out door on
wallSet = {0, 1, 2, 3}
exitDoorWall = self._rand_elem(sorted(wallSet))
nextEntryWall = (exitDoorWall + 2) % 4
# Pick the exit door position
# Exit on right wall
if exitDoorWall == 0:
exitDoorPos = (topX + sizeX - 1, topY + self._rand_int(1, sizeY - 1))
# Exit on south wall
elif exitDoorWall == 1:
exitDoorPos = (topX + self._rand_int(1, sizeX - 1), topY + sizeY - 1)
# Exit on left wall
elif exitDoorWall == 2:
exitDoorPos = (topX, topY + self._rand_int(1, sizeY - 1))
# Exit on north wall
elif exitDoorWall == 3:
exitDoorPos = (topX + self._rand_int(1, sizeX - 1), topY)
assert False
# Recursively create the other rooms
success = self._placeRoom(
numLeft - 1,
if success:
return True