4 changed files with 771 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ |
mdp |
formula AgentCannotMoveEastWall = (colAgent=4&rowAgent=1) | (colAgent=4&rowAgent=2) | (colAgent=4&rowAgent=3) | (colAgent=4&rowAgent=4); |
formula AgentCannotMoveNorthWall = (colAgent=3&rowAgent=1) | (colAgent=4&rowAgent=1) | (colAgent=1&rowAgent=1) | (colAgent=2&rowAgent=1); |
formula AgentCannotMoveSouthWall = (colAgent=1&rowAgent=4) | (colAgent=3&rowAgent=4) | (colAgent=4&rowAgent=4) | (colAgent=2&rowAgent=4); |
formula AgentCannotMoveWestWall = (colAgent=1&rowAgent=2) | (colAgent=1&rowAgent=3) | (colAgent=1&rowAgent=4) | (colAgent=1&rowAgent=1); |
formula AgentIsOnSlippery = false; |
formula AgentIsOnLava = (colAgent=2&rowAgent=1) | (colAgent=2&rowAgent=3) | (colAgent=2&rowAgent=4); |
label "AgentIsOnLava" = AgentIsOnLava; |
formula AgentIsOnGoal = (colAgent=4&rowAgent=4); |
init |
true |
endinit |
module Agent |
colAgent : [1..4]; |
rowAgent : [1..4]; |
viewAgent : [0..3]; |
[Agent_turn_right] !AgentIsOnLava &true -> 1.000000: (viewAgent'=mod(viewAgent+1,4)); |
[Agent_turn_left] !AgentIsOnLava &viewAgent>0 -> 1.000000: (viewAgent'=viewAgent-1); |
[Agent_turn_left] !AgentIsOnLava &viewAgent=0 -> 1.000000: (viewAgent'=3); |
[Agent_move_North] viewAgent=3 & !AgentIsOnLava & !AgentIsOnGoal & !AgentCannotMoveNorthWall -> 1.000000: (rowAgent'=rowAgent-1); |
[Agent_move_East] viewAgent=0 & !AgentIsOnLava & !AgentIsOnGoal & !AgentCannotMoveEastWall -> 1.000000: (colAgent'=colAgent+1); |
[Agent_move_South] viewAgent=1 & !AgentIsOnLava & !AgentIsOnGoal & !AgentCannotMoveSouthWall -> 1.000000: (rowAgent'=rowAgent+1); |
[Agent_move_West] viewAgent=2 & !AgentIsOnLava & !AgentIsOnGoal & !AgentCannotMoveWestWall -> 1.000000: (colAgent'=colAgent-1); |
endmodule |
@ -0,0 +1,743 @@ |
digraph model { |
0 [ label = "0[colAgent=1 & rowAgent=1 & viewAgent=0] |
: {init}" ]; |
1 [ label = "1[colAgent=2 & rowAgent=1 & viewAgent=0] |
: {AgentIsOnLava, deadlock |
init}", style=filled, color=red ]; |
2 [ label = "2[colAgent=3 & rowAgent=1 & viewAgent=0] |
: {init}" ]; |
3 [ label = "3[colAgent=4 & rowAgent=1 & viewAgent=0] |
: {init}" ]; |
4 [ label = "4[colAgent=2 & rowAgent=2 & viewAgent=0] |
: {init}" ]; |
5 [ label = "5[colAgent=3 & rowAgent=2 & viewAgent=0] |
: {init}" ]; |
6 [ label = "6[colAgent=4 & rowAgent=2 & viewAgent=0] |
: {init}" ]; |
7 [ label = "7[colAgent=2 & rowAgent=3 & viewAgent=0] |
: {AgentIsOnLava, deadlock |
init}", style=filled, color=red ]; |
8 [ label = "8[colAgent=3 & rowAgent=3 & viewAgent=0] |
: {init}" ]; |
9 [ label = "9[colAgent=4 & rowAgent=3 & viewAgent=0] |
: {init}" ]; |
10 [ label = "10[colAgent=2 & rowAgent=4 & viewAgent=0] |
: {AgentIsOnLava, deadlock |
init}", style=filled, color=red ]; |
11 [ label = "11[colAgent=3 & rowAgent=4 & viewAgent=0] |
: {init}" ]; |
12 [ label = "12[colAgent=4 & rowAgent=4 & viewAgent=0] |
: {init}" ]; |
13 [ label = "13[colAgent=2 & rowAgent=2 & viewAgent=1] |
: {init}" ]; |
14 [ label = "14[colAgent=3 & rowAgent=2 & viewAgent=1] |
: {init}" ]; |
15 [ label = "15[colAgent=4 & rowAgent=2 & viewAgent=1] |
: {init}" ]; |
16 [ label = "16[colAgent=2 & rowAgent=3 & viewAgent=1] |
: {AgentIsOnLava, deadlock |
init}", style=filled, color=red ]; |
17 [ label = "17[colAgent=3 & rowAgent=3 & viewAgent=1] |
: {init}" ]; |
18 [ label = "18[colAgent=4 & rowAgent=3 & viewAgent=1] |
: {init}" ]; |
19 [ label = "19[colAgent=2 & rowAgent=4 & viewAgent=1] |
: {AgentIsOnLava, deadlock |
init}", style=filled, color=red ]; |
20 [ label = "20[colAgent=3 & rowAgent=4 & viewAgent=1] |
: {init}" ]; |
21 [ label = "21[colAgent=4 & rowAgent=4 & viewAgent=1] |
: {init}" ]; |
22 [ label = "22[colAgent=2 & rowAgent=2 & viewAgent=2] |
: {init}" ]; |
23 [ label = "23[colAgent=3 & rowAgent=2 & viewAgent=2] |
: {init}" ]; |
24 [ label = "24[colAgent=4 & rowAgent=2 & viewAgent=2] |
: {init}" ]; |
25 [ label = "25[colAgent=2 & rowAgent=3 & viewAgent=2] |
: {AgentIsOnLava, deadlock |
init}", style=filled, color=red ]; |
26 [ label = "26[colAgent=3 & rowAgent=3 & viewAgent=2] |
: {init}" ]; |
27 [ label = "27[colAgent=4 & rowAgent=3 & viewAgent=2] |
: {init}" ]; |
28 [ label = "28[colAgent=2 & rowAgent=4 & viewAgent=2] |
: {AgentIsOnLava, deadlock |
init}", style=filled, color=red ]; |
29 [ label = "29[colAgent=3 & rowAgent=4 & viewAgent=2] |
: {init}" ]; |
30 [ label = "30[colAgent=4 & rowAgent=4 & viewAgent=2] |
: {init}" ]; |
31 [ label = "31[colAgent=2 & rowAgent=2 & viewAgent=3] |
: {init}" ]; |
32 [ label = "32[colAgent=3 & rowAgent=2 & viewAgent=3] |
: {init}" ]; |
33 [ label = "33[colAgent=4 & rowAgent=2 & viewAgent=3] |
: {init}" ]; |
34 [ label = "34[colAgent=2 & rowAgent=3 & viewAgent=3] |
: {AgentIsOnLava, deadlock |
init}", style=filled, color=red ]; |
35 [ label = "35[colAgent=3 & rowAgent=3 & viewAgent=3] |
: {init}" ]; |
36 [ label = "36[colAgent=4 & rowAgent=3 & viewAgent=3] |
: {init}" ]; |
37 [ label = "37[colAgent=2 & rowAgent=4 & viewAgent=3] |
: {AgentIsOnLava, deadlock |
init}", style=filled, color=red ]; |
38 [ label = "38[colAgent=3 & rowAgent=4 & viewAgent=3] |
: {init}" ]; |
39 [ label = "39[colAgent=4 & rowAgent=4 & viewAgent=3] |
: {init}" ]; |
40 [ label = "40[colAgent=1 & rowAgent=1 & viewAgent=1] |
: {}" ]; |
41 [ label = "41[colAgent=1 & rowAgent=1 & viewAgent=3] |
: {}" ]; |
42 [ label = "42[colAgent=3 & rowAgent=1 & viewAgent=1] |
: {}" ]; |
43 [ label = "43[colAgent=3 & rowAgent=1 & viewAgent=3] |
: {}" ]; |
44 [ label = "44[colAgent=4 & rowAgent=1 & viewAgent=1] |
: {}" ]; |
45 [ label = "45[colAgent=4 & rowAgent=1 & viewAgent=3] |
: {}" ]; |
46 [ label = "46[colAgent=1 & rowAgent=2 & viewAgent=2] |
: {}" ]; |
47 [ label = "47[colAgent=2 & rowAgent=1 & viewAgent=3] |
: {AgentIsOnLava, deadlock |
}", style=filled, color=red ]; |
48 [ label = "48[colAgent=1 & rowAgent=1 & viewAgent=2] |
: {}" ]; |
49 [ label = "49[colAgent=1 & rowAgent=2 & viewAgent=1] |
: {}" ]; |
50 [ label = "50[colAgent=3 & rowAgent=1 & viewAgent=2] |
: {}" ]; |
51 [ label = "51[colAgent=4 & rowAgent=1 & viewAgent=2] |
: {}" ]; |
52 [ label = "52[colAgent=1 & rowAgent=2 & viewAgent=3] |
: {}" ]; |
53 [ label = "53[colAgent=1 & rowAgent=2 & viewAgent=0] |
: {}" ]; |
54 [ label = "54[colAgent=1 & rowAgent=3 & viewAgent=1] |
: {}" ]; |
55 [ label = "55[colAgent=2 & rowAgent=1 & viewAgent=2] |
: {AgentIsOnLava, deadlock |
}", style=filled, color=red ]; |
56 [ label = "56[colAgent=1 & rowAgent=3 & viewAgent=2] |
: {}" ]; |
57 [ label = "57[colAgent=1 & rowAgent=3 & viewAgent=0] |
: {}" ]; |
58 [ label = "58[colAgent=1 & rowAgent=4 & viewAgent=1] |
: {}" ]; |
59 [ label = "59[colAgent=1 & rowAgent=3 & viewAgent=3] |
: {}" ]; |
60 [ label = "60[colAgent=1 & rowAgent=4 & viewAgent=2] |
: {}" ]; |
61 [ label = "61[colAgent=1 & rowAgent=4 & viewAgent=0] |
: {}" ]; |
62 [ label = "62[colAgent=1 & rowAgent=4 & viewAgent=3] |
: {}" ]; |
"0c0" [shape = "point"]; |
0 -> "0c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"0c0" -> 40 [ label= "1" ]; |
"0c1" [shape = "point"]; |
0 -> "0c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"0c1" -> 41 [ label= "1" ]; |
"0c2" [shape = "point"]; |
0 -> "0c2" [ label = "{Agent_move_East}"] |
; |
"0c2" -> 1 [ label= "1" ]; |
"1c0" [shape = "point"]; |
1 -> "1c0" [ label = "{}"] |
; |
"1c0" -> 1 [ label= "1" ]; |
"2c0" [shape = "point"]; |
2 -> "2c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"2c0" -> 42 [ label= "1" ]; |
"2c1" [shape = "point"]; |
2 -> "2c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"2c1" -> 43 [ label= "1" ]; |
"2c2" [shape = "point"]; |
2 -> "2c2" [ label = "{Agent_move_East}"] |
; |
"2c2" -> 3 [ label= "1" ]; |
"3c0" [shape = "point"]; |
3 -> "3c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"3c0" -> 44 [ label= "1" ]; |
"3c1" [shape = "point"]; |
3 -> "3c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"3c1" -> 45 [ label= "1" ]; |
"4c0" [shape = "point"]; |
4 -> "4c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"4c0" -> 13 [ label= "1" ]; |
"4c1" [shape = "point"]; |
4 -> "4c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"4c1" -> 31 [ label= "1" ]; |
"4c2" [shape = "point"]; |
4 -> "4c2" [ label = "{Agent_move_East}"] |
; |
"4c2" -> 5 [ label= "1" ]; |
"5c0" [shape = "point"]; |
5 -> "5c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"5c0" -> 14 [ label= "1" ]; |
"5c1" [shape = "point"]; |
5 -> "5c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"5c1" -> 32 [ label= "1" ]; |
"5c2" [shape = "point"]; |
5 -> "5c2" [ label = "{Agent_move_East}"] |
; |
"5c2" -> 6 [ label= "1" ]; |
"6c0" [shape = "point"]; |
6 -> "6c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"6c0" -> 15 [ label= "1" ]; |
"6c1" [shape = "point"]; |
6 -> "6c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"6c1" -> 33 [ label= "1" ]; |
"7c0" [shape = "point"]; |
7 -> "7c0" [ label = "{}"] |
; |
"7c0" -> 7 [ label= "1" ]; |
"8c0" [shape = "point"]; |
8 -> "8c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"8c0" -> 17 [ label= "1" ]; |
"8c1" [shape = "point"]; |
8 -> "8c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"8c1" -> 35 [ label= "1" ]; |
"8c2" [shape = "point"]; |
8 -> "8c2" [ label = "{Agent_move_East}"] |
; |
"8c2" -> 9 [ label= "1" ]; |
"9c0" [shape = "point"]; |
9 -> "9c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"9c0" -> 18 [ label= "1" ]; |
"9c1" [shape = "point"]; |
9 -> "9c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"9c1" -> 36 [ label= "1" ]; |
"10c0" [shape = "point"]; |
10 -> "10c0" [ label = "{}"] |
; |
"10c0" -> 10 [ label= "1" ]; |
"11c0" [shape = "point"]; |
11 -> "11c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"11c0" -> 20 [ label= "1" ]; |
"11c1" [shape = "point"]; |
11 -> "11c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"11c1" -> 38 [ label= "1" ]; |
"11c2" [shape = "point"]; |
11 -> "11c2" [ label = "{Agent_move_East}"] |
; |
"11c2" -> 12 [ label= "1" ]; |
"12c0" [shape = "point"]; |
12 -> "12c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"12c0" -> 21 [ label= "1" ]; |
"12c1" [shape = "point"]; |
12 -> "12c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"12c1" -> 39 [ label= "1" ]; |
"13c0" [shape = "point"]; |
13 -> "13c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"13c0" -> 22 [ label= "1" ]; |
"13c1" [shape = "point"]; |
13 -> "13c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"13c1" -> 4 [ label= "1" ]; |
"13c2" [shape = "point"]; |
13 -> "13c2" [ label = "{Agent_move_South}"] |
; |
"13c2" -> 16 [ label= "1" ]; |
"14c0" [shape = "point"]; |
14 -> "14c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"14c0" -> 23 [ label= "1" ]; |
"14c1" [shape = "point"]; |
14 -> "14c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"14c1" -> 5 [ label= "1" ]; |
"14c2" [shape = "point"]; |
14 -> "14c2" [ label = "{Agent_move_South}"] |
; |
"14c2" -> 17 [ label= "1" ]; |
"15c0" [shape = "point"]; |
15 -> "15c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"15c0" -> 24 [ label= "1" ]; |
"15c1" [shape = "point"]; |
15 -> "15c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"15c1" -> 6 [ label= "1" ]; |
"15c2" [shape = "point"]; |
15 -> "15c2" [ label = "{Agent_move_South}"] |
; |
"15c2" -> 18 [ label= "1" ]; |
"16c0" [shape = "point"]; |
16 -> "16c0" [ label = "{}"] |
; |
"16c0" -> 16 [ label= "1" ]; |
"17c0" [shape = "point"]; |
17 -> "17c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"17c0" -> 26 [ label= "1" ]; |
"17c1" [shape = "point"]; |
17 -> "17c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"17c1" -> 8 [ label= "1" ]; |
"17c2" [shape = "point"]; |
17 -> "17c2" [ label = "{Agent_move_South}"] |
; |
"17c2" -> 20 [ label= "1" ]; |
"18c0" [shape = "point"]; |
18 -> "18c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"18c0" -> 27 [ label= "1" ]; |
"18c1" [shape = "point"]; |
18 -> "18c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"18c1" -> 9 [ label= "1" ]; |
"18c2" [shape = "point"]; |
18 -> "18c2" [ label = "{Agent_move_South}"] |
; |
"18c2" -> 21 [ label= "1" ]; |
"19c0" [shape = "point"]; |
19 -> "19c0" [ label = "{}"] |
; |
"19c0" -> 19 [ label= "1" ]; |
"20c0" [shape = "point"]; |
20 -> "20c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"20c0" -> 29 [ label= "1" ]; |
"20c1" [shape = "point"]; |
20 -> "20c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"20c1" -> 11 [ label= "1" ]; |
"21c0" [shape = "point"]; |
21 -> "21c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"21c0" -> 30 [ label= "1" ]; |
"21c1" [shape = "point"]; |
21 -> "21c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"21c1" -> 12 [ label= "1" ]; |
"22c0" [shape = "point"]; |
22 -> "22c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"22c0" -> 31 [ label= "1" ]; |
"22c1" [shape = "point"]; |
22 -> "22c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"22c1" -> 13 [ label= "1" ]; |
"22c2" [shape = "point"]; |
22 -> "22c2" [ label = "{Agent_move_West}"] |
; |
"22c2" -> 46 [ label= "1" ]; |
"23c0" [shape = "point"]; |
23 -> "23c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"23c0" -> 32 [ label= "1" ]; |
"23c1" [shape = "point"]; |
23 -> "23c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"23c1" -> 14 [ label= "1" ]; |
"23c2" [shape = "point"]; |
23 -> "23c2" [ label = "{Agent_move_West}"] |
; |
"23c2" -> 22 [ label= "1" ]; |
"24c0" [shape = "point"]; |
24 -> "24c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"24c0" -> 33 [ label= "1" ]; |
"24c1" [shape = "point"]; |
24 -> "24c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"24c1" -> 15 [ label= "1" ]; |
"24c2" [shape = "point"]; |
24 -> "24c2" [ label = "{Agent_move_West}"] |
; |
"24c2" -> 23 [ label= "1" ]; |
"25c0" [shape = "point"]; |
25 -> "25c0" [ label = "{}"] |
; |
"25c0" -> 25 [ label= "1" ]; |
"26c0" [shape = "point"]; |
26 -> "26c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"26c0" -> 35 [ label= "1" ]; |
"26c1" [shape = "point"]; |
26 -> "26c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"26c1" -> 17 [ label= "1" ]; |
"26c2" [shape = "point"]; |
26 -> "26c2" [ label = "{Agent_move_West}"] |
; |
"26c2" -> 25 [ label= "1" ]; |
"27c0" [shape = "point"]; |
27 -> "27c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"27c0" -> 36 [ label= "1" ]; |
"27c1" [shape = "point"]; |
27 -> "27c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"27c1" -> 18 [ label= "1" ]; |
"27c2" [shape = "point"]; |
27 -> "27c2" [ label = "{Agent_move_West}"] |
; |
"27c2" -> 26 [ label= "1" ]; |
"28c0" [shape = "point"]; |
28 -> "28c0" [ label = "{}"] |
; |
"28c0" -> 28 [ label= "1" ]; |
"29c0" [shape = "point"]; |
29 -> "29c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"29c0" -> 38 [ label= "1" ]; |
"29c1" [shape = "point"]; |
29 -> "29c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"29c1" -> 20 [ label= "1" ]; |
"29c2" [shape = "point"]; |
29 -> "29c2" [ label = "{Agent_move_West}"] |
; |
"29c2" -> 28 [ label= "1" ]; |
"30c0" [shape = "point"]; |
30 -> "30c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"30c0" -> 39 [ label= "1" ]; |
"30c1" [shape = "point"]; |
30 -> "30c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"30c1" -> 21 [ label= "1" ]; |
"31c0" [shape = "point"]; |
31 -> "31c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"31c0" -> 4 [ label= "1" ]; |
"31c1" [shape = "point"]; |
31 -> "31c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"31c1" -> 22 [ label= "1" ]; |
"31c2" [shape = "point"]; |
31 -> "31c2" [ label = "{Agent_move_North}"] |
; |
"31c2" -> 47 [ label= "1" ]; |
"32c0" [shape = "point"]; |
32 -> "32c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"32c0" -> 5 [ label= "1" ]; |
"32c1" [shape = "point"]; |
32 -> "32c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"32c1" -> 23 [ label= "1" ]; |
"32c2" [shape = "point"]; |
32 -> "32c2" [ label = "{Agent_move_North}"] |
; |
"32c2" -> 43 [ label= "1" ]; |
"33c0" [shape = "point"]; |
33 -> "33c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"33c0" -> 6 [ label= "1" ]; |
"33c1" [shape = "point"]; |
33 -> "33c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"33c1" -> 24 [ label= "1" ]; |
"33c2" [shape = "point"]; |
33 -> "33c2" [ label = "{Agent_move_North}"] |
; |
"33c2" -> 45 [ label= "1" ]; |
"34c0" [shape = "point"]; |
34 -> "34c0" [ label = "{}"] |
; |
"34c0" -> 34 [ label= "1" ]; |
"35c0" [shape = "point"]; |
35 -> "35c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"35c0" -> 8 [ label= "1" ]; |
"35c1" [shape = "point"]; |
35 -> "35c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"35c1" -> 26 [ label= "1" ]; |
"35c2" [shape = "point"]; |
35 -> "35c2" [ label = "{Agent_move_North}"] |
; |
"35c2" -> 32 [ label= "1" ]; |
"36c0" [shape = "point"]; |
36 -> "36c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"36c0" -> 9 [ label= "1" ]; |
"36c1" [shape = "point"]; |
36 -> "36c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"36c1" -> 27 [ label= "1" ]; |
"36c2" [shape = "point"]; |
36 -> "36c2" [ label = "{Agent_move_North}"] |
; |
"36c2" -> 33 [ label= "1" ]; |
"37c0" [shape = "point"]; |
37 -> "37c0" [ label = "{}"] |
; |
"37c0" -> 37 [ label= "1" ]; |
"38c0" [shape = "point"]; |
38 -> "38c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"38c0" -> 11 [ label= "1" ]; |
"38c1" [shape = "point"]; |
38 -> "38c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"38c1" -> 29 [ label= "1" ]; |
"38c2" [shape = "point"]; |
38 -> "38c2" [ label = "{Agent_move_North}"] |
; |
"38c2" -> 35 [ label= "1" ]; |
"39c0" [shape = "point"]; |
39 -> "39c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"39c0" -> 12 [ label= "1" ]; |
"39c1" [shape = "point"]; |
39 -> "39c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"39c1" -> 30 [ label= "1" ]; |
"40c0" [shape = "point"]; |
40 -> "40c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"40c0" -> 48 [ label= "1" ]; |
"40c1" [shape = "point"]; |
40 -> "40c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"40c1" -> 0 [ label= "1" ]; |
"40c2" [shape = "point"]; |
40 -> "40c2" [ label = "{Agent_move_South}"] |
; |
"40c2" -> 49 [ label= "1" ]; |
"41c0" [shape = "point"]; |
41 -> "41c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"41c0" -> 0 [ label= "1" ]; |
"41c1" [shape = "point"]; |
41 -> "41c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"41c1" -> 48 [ label= "1" ]; |
"42c0" [shape = "point"]; |
42 -> "42c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"42c0" -> 50 [ label= "1" ]; |
"42c1" [shape = "point"]; |
42 -> "42c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"42c1" -> 2 [ label= "1" ]; |
"42c2" [shape = "point"]; |
42 -> "42c2" [ label = "{Agent_move_South}"] |
; |
"42c2" -> 14 [ label= "1" ]; |
"43c0" [shape = "point"]; |
43 -> "43c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"43c0" -> 2 [ label= "1" ]; |
"43c1" [shape = "point"]; |
43 -> "43c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"43c1" -> 50 [ label= "1" ]; |
"44c0" [shape = "point"]; |
44 -> "44c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"44c0" -> 51 [ label= "1" ]; |
"44c1" [shape = "point"]; |
44 -> "44c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"44c1" -> 3 [ label= "1" ]; |
"44c2" [shape = "point"]; |
44 -> "44c2" [ label = "{Agent_move_South}"] |
; |
"44c2" -> 15 [ label= "1" ]; |
"45c0" [shape = "point"]; |
45 -> "45c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"45c0" -> 3 [ label= "1" ]; |
"45c1" [shape = "point"]; |
45 -> "45c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"45c1" -> 51 [ label= "1" ]; |
"46c0" [shape = "point"]; |
46 -> "46c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"46c0" -> 52 [ label= "1" ]; |
"46c1" [shape = "point"]; |
46 -> "46c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"46c1" -> 49 [ label= "1" ]; |
"47c0" [shape = "point"]; |
47 -> "47c0" [ label = "{}"] |
; |
"47c0" -> 47 [ label= "1" ]; |
"48c0" [shape = "point"]; |
48 -> "48c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"48c0" -> 41 [ label= "1" ]; |
"48c1" [shape = "point"]; |
48 -> "48c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"48c1" -> 40 [ label= "1" ]; |
"49c0" [shape = "point"]; |
49 -> "49c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"49c0" -> 46 [ label= "1" ]; |
"49c1" [shape = "point"]; |
49 -> "49c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"49c1" -> 53 [ label= "1" ]; |
"49c2" [shape = "point"]; |
49 -> "49c2" [ label = "{Agent_move_South}"] |
; |
"49c2" -> 54 [ label= "1" ]; |
"50c0" [shape = "point"]; |
50 -> "50c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"50c0" -> 43 [ label= "1" ]; |
"50c1" [shape = "point"]; |
50 -> "50c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"50c1" -> 42 [ label= "1" ]; |
"50c2" [shape = "point"]; |
50 -> "50c2" [ label = "{Agent_move_West}"] |
; |
"50c2" -> 55 [ label= "1" ]; |
"51c0" [shape = "point"]; |
51 -> "51c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"51c0" -> 45 [ label= "1" ]; |
"51c1" [shape = "point"]; |
51 -> "51c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"51c1" -> 44 [ label= "1" ]; |
"51c2" [shape = "point"]; |
51 -> "51c2" [ label = "{Agent_move_West}"] |
; |
"51c2" -> 50 [ label= "1" ]; |
"52c0" [shape = "point"]; |
52 -> "52c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"52c0" -> 53 [ label= "1" ]; |
"52c1" [shape = "point"]; |
52 -> "52c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"52c1" -> 46 [ label= "1" ]; |
"52c2" [shape = "point"]; |
52 -> "52c2" [ label = "{Agent_move_North}"] |
; |
"52c2" -> 41 [ label= "1" ]; |
"53c0" [shape = "point"]; |
53 -> "53c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"53c0" -> 49 [ label= "1" ]; |
"53c1" [shape = "point"]; |
53 -> "53c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"53c1" -> 52 [ label= "1" ]; |
"53c2" [shape = "point"]; |
53 -> "53c2" [ label = "{Agent_move_East}"] |
; |
"53c2" -> 4 [ label= "1" ]; |
"54c0" [shape = "point"]; |
54 -> "54c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"54c0" -> 56 [ label= "1" ]; |
"54c1" [shape = "point"]; |
54 -> "54c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"54c1" -> 57 [ label= "1" ]; |
"54c2" [shape = "point"]; |
54 -> "54c2" [ label = "{Agent_move_South}"] |
; |
"54c2" -> 58 [ label= "1" ]; |
"55c0" [shape = "point"]; |
55 -> "55c0" [ label = "{}"] |
; |
"55c0" -> 55 [ label= "1" ]; |
"56c0" [shape = "point"]; |
56 -> "56c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"56c0" -> 59 [ label= "1" ]; |
"56c1" [shape = "point"]; |
56 -> "56c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"56c1" -> 54 [ label= "1" ]; |
"57c0" [shape = "point"]; |
57 -> "57c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"57c0" -> 54 [ label= "1" ]; |
"57c1" [shape = "point"]; |
57 -> "57c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"57c1" -> 59 [ label= "1" ]; |
"57c2" [shape = "point"]; |
57 -> "57c2" [ label = "{Agent_move_East}"] |
; |
"57c2" -> 7 [ label= "1" ]; |
"58c0" [shape = "point"]; |
58 -> "58c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"58c0" -> 60 [ label= "1" ]; |
"58c1" [shape = "point"]; |
58 -> "58c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"58c1" -> 61 [ label= "1" ]; |
"59c0" [shape = "point"]; |
59 -> "59c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"59c0" -> 57 [ label= "1" ]; |
"59c1" [shape = "point"]; |
59 -> "59c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"59c1" -> 56 [ label= "1" ]; |
"59c2" [shape = "point"]; |
59 -> "59c2" [ label = "{Agent_move_North}"] |
; |
"59c2" -> 52 [ label= "1" ]; |
"60c0" [shape = "point"]; |
60 -> "60c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"60c0" -> 62 [ label= "1" ]; |
"60c1" [shape = "point"]; |
60 -> "60c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"60c1" -> 58 [ label= "1" ]; |
"61c0" [shape = "point"]; |
61 -> "61c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"61c0" -> 58 [ label= "1" ]; |
"61c1" [shape = "point"]; |
61 -> "61c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"61c1" -> 62 [ label= "1" ]; |
"61c2" [shape = "point"]; |
61 -> "61c2" [ label = "{Agent_move_East}"] |
; |
"61c2" -> 10 [ label= "1" ]; |
"62c0" [shape = "point"]; |
62 -> "62c0" [ label = "{Agent_turn_right}"] |
; |
"62c0" -> 61 [ label= "1" ]; |
"62c1" [shape = "point"]; |
62 -> "62c1" [ label = "{Agent_turn_left}"] |
; |
"62c1" -> 60 [ label= "1" ]; |
"62c2" [shape = "point"]; |
62 -> "62c2" [ label = "{Agent_move_North}"] |
; |
"62c2" -> 59 [ label= "1" ]; |
} |
Reference in new issue