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import sys
from enum import Flag, auto
import numpy as np
class Verdict(Flag):
PASS = auto()
FAIL = auto()
class Simulator():
def __init__(self, allStateActionPairs, strategy, deadlockStates, reachedStates, bound=3, numSimulations=1):
self.allStateActionPairs = { ( pair.state_id, pair.action_id ) : pair.next_state_probabilities for pair in allStateActionPairs }
self.strategy = strategy
self.deadlockStates = deadlockStates
self.reachedStates = reachedStates
#print(f"Deadlock: {self.deadlockStates}")
#print(f"GoalStates: {self.reachedStates}")
self.bound = bound
self.numSimulations = numSimulations
allStates = set([state.state_id for state in allStateActionPairs])
allStates = allStates.difference(set(deadlockStates))
allStates = allStates.difference(set(reachedStates))
self.allStates = np.array(list(allStates))
def _pickRandomTestCase(self):
testCase = np.random.choice(self.allStates, 1)[0]
#self.allStates = np.delete(self.allStates, testCase)
return testCase
def _simulate(self, initialStateId):
i = 0
actionId = self.strategy[initialStateId]
nextStatePair = (initialStateId, actionId)
while i < self.bound:
i += 1
nextStateProbabilities = self.allStateActionPairs[nextStatePair]
weights = list()
nextStateIds = list()
for nextStateId, probability in nextStateProbabilities.items():
nextStateId = np.random.choice(nextStateIds, 1, p=weights)[0]
if nextStateId in self.deadlockStates:
return Verdict.FAIL, i
if nextStateId in self.reachedStates:
return Verdict.PASS, i
nextStatePair = (nextStateId, self.strategy[nextStateId])
return Verdict.INCONCLUSIVE, i
def runTest(self):
testCase = self._pickRandomTestCase()
histogram = [0,0,0]
for i in range(self.numSimulations):
result, numQueries = self._simulate(testCase)
if result == Verdict.FAIL:
return testCase, Verdict.FAIL, numQueries
return testCase, Verdict.INCONCLUSIVE, numQueries